1) Surveillance state revelations force Americans to ask what it means to live in a Democracy U.S. Is Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls, New York Times (Charlie Savage and Edward Wyatt) NSA collecting phone records of millions of Veriz ...
1) Manning and Holmes trials reveal difficulty of achieving perfect justice in imperfect world Judge allows plea of not guilty by insanity for James Holmes, Los Angeles Times (Jenny Deam and Michael Muskal) Suspect in Colorado Movie Killings En ...
1. Women are now the primary breadwinners in 4 out of 10 families Nearly 40 percent of mothers are now the family breadwinners, report says, The Washington Post (Brigid Schulte) 2. Young adults delaying marriage due to student loan debt ...
1. Federal judge continues to defend Plan B access without restriction, prescription, or supervision Judge again rejects limits on emergency contraception, Los Angeles Times (Monte Morin)Judge Refuses to Drop His Order Allowing Morning-After Pill fo ...
1. Finding our sense of place in the nation's history Convergence of Presidents at Bush Library Dedication, New York Times (Peter Baker)2. Obama to address Planned Parenthood Obama's Planned Parenthood speech delayed to Friday, USA Today (David ...
1. After a divided France legalizes same-sex marriage, opponents called "homophobic" and "extreme right" France Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Scott Sayare) French Parliament Approves Gay Marriage Law, Reuters (Nicholas Vinocur) 2 ...
1. Boston Bombing reminds us that evil is real, but not rational Bomb Details Emerge in Boston Case, New York Times (Katharine Q Seelye and Michael Cooper)2. Consumer rationality: we prefer the experience of a good deal over an actual good deal S ...
Do you go to the Internet for church? Cathy Lynn Grossman of USA Today reported this week on the increasing use of digital technology by churches. This trend is not new, of course, but some of the developments she traces are fresh and innovative. Sh ...
The easiest way to infuriate the young is to lean into nostalgia. Nevertheless, it's hard not to be nostalgic for a childhood in which the basic equipment for elementary school was pretty much limited to notebooks, pencils, and an occasional ruler. T ...
Official Says Boy Set Off Afghan Blast Near Border... A look at the death toll from Southern storms... Army Corps decides to blow up Missouri levee... Wedding Ratings: Perchance to Dream... Man live-tweets bin Laden operation... TV ownership falls fo ...