The Briefing 09-18-13
1. How did Alexis still have security clearance despite warning signs?
Suspect in Shooting Had Problems With the Law, New York Times (Manny Fernandez)
Signs of Mental Illness Seen in Navy Gunman for Decade, New York Times (Joseph Goldstein, Sarah Maslin Nir, Timothy Williams)
2. Chaplain leader calls for resignation of SBC chaplains who won’t support same-sex relationships
Can Evangelical Chaplains Serve God and Country?, (Albert Mohler)
SBC chaplains cannot serve ‘God and Country’, Associated Press (Tom Carpenter)
3. The danger and proliferation of “cyber-bullying” online and on mobile applications
Girl’s Suicide Points to Rise in Apps Used by Cyberbullies, New York Times (Lizette Alvarez)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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