1. Embassies shut down in response to al Qaeda threats France to Shut down Embassy in Yemen, Wall Street Journal U.S. Issues Global Travel Alert Over Al-Qaeda Threat, USA Today (Natalie DiBlasio) 2. Secular world baffled by In-N-Out, Hobby ...
USA Today reported last week that the United States "is taking baby steps forward" in terms of the fertility rate. According to the forecasting group Demographic Intelligence, the USA's total fertility rate is likely to increase to 1.90 per woman in ...
1) Ariel Castro: the limitations of human justice and the inadequacy of therapeutic culture Cleveland Kidnapper Claims He's 'Not a Monster' at Hearing, The New York Times (Trip Gabriel and Timothy Williams) Kidnapper Ariel Castro, Who Held Thre ...
"I am not a monster. I am a normal person. I am just sick." Those were among the words Ariel Castro addressed to an Ohio judge as he faced the bar of justice yesterday. Shortly thereafter, Judge Michael J. Russo of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas C ...
1) Evangelicals would do well to learn from the Pope's predicament Who Am I to Judge? The Pope, the Press, and the Predicament, AlbertMohler.com Pope Francis and Gays: “Loving the Sinner” Is Still Intolerance, TIME (Tim Padgett) 2) Celebrati ...
Sorry kids, back to school means back to bedtime. One of the odd characteristics of our time is our apparent need for scientific verification of what we should know by simple common sense. Well, help now comes in the form of a research project under ...
Pope Francis pulled a surprise on reporters when he walked back to the press section of his Alitalia papal flight from Brazil and entered into an open press conference that lasted more than an hour. The Pope gave the press what Ronald Reagan and Bill ...
Has God called you to ministry? Though all Christians are called to serve the cause of Christ, God calls certain persons to serve the Church as pastors and other ministers. Writing to young Timothy, the Apostle Paul confirmed that if a man aspires to ...
As the father of a young man, I know the talks parents have with their sons--or should have. I have had plenty of those talks, and I know them from both sides. But there is one talk I never had to have with my son, and my father never had to have wit ...
The issue of Islam is never far from our headlines. Early in his administration, President Barack Obama put the issue of Islam front and center on the international stage. His visits to Islamic-dominated lands and his public statements to the Muslim ...