1) Tornadoes and wildfires threaten as we remember the grace and mercy of an omnipotent God 'Unpredictable' storm in Oklahoma turned on three chasers, CNN (Jake Carpenter and Catherine E. Shoichet) Tornado kills 'Storm Chasers'' Carl Young, Tim ...
1. 3/4 of Americans say religion is losing its influence Poll: America losing it's religion, CNN Belief Blog (Dan Merica) Most Americans Say Religion Is Losing Influence in U.S., Gallup (Frank Newport) 2. Is belief really less important than ...
1. Women are now the primary breadwinners in 4 out of 10 families Nearly 40 percent of mothers are now the family breadwinners, report says, The Washington Post (Brigid Schulte) 2. Young adults delaying marriage due to student loan debt ...
1) Celebrating the child rescued in China, but what of the child whose cries are never heard? China's Baby 59 left in sewage pipe evokes mass sympathy and anger, The Guardian (Tania Branigan) 2) Shocking moral equivalence made between abortion ...
1. The "Storm of Storms" raises many important worldview questions. Christians should be prepared to give an answer. Crews Search for Survivors in Oklahoma, New York Times (John Eligon, Manny Fernandez) Children survive Oklahoma tornado in elem ...
Yesterday, Dr. Mohler recorded a Special Edition of The Briefing in light of the tragedy in Moore Oklahoma. Please be sure to listen to that episode in addition to our regularly scheduled Briefing, outlined below. 1. Legalized assisted suicide in ...
1. Historic week for Boy Scouts: decision will send far-reaching cultural signal Will Boy Scouts accept gay youth? Vote is imminent, Associated Press (David Crary) 2. Push to legalize gay marriage tests the limit of government Hollande Signs Fre ...
1. Controversies embroil President Obama and threaten his agenda Controversies Threaten President's Agenda, Wall Street Journal (Peter Nicholas and Janet Hook) A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting, Wall Street Journal (James Bovard) 2. ...
1. Gosnell Murder Conviction - the atrocity, not of just one clinic, but of abortion everywhere Jury Convicts Abortion Provider Kermit Gosnell of Murder, The Washington Post (Brady Dennis) Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Gosnell Convicted of Murder, T ...
1. Federal judge continues to defend Plan B access without restriction, prescription, or supervision Judge again rejects limits on emergency contraception, Los Angeles Times (Monte Morin)Judge Refuses to Drop His Order Allowing Morning-After Pill fo ...