The Briefing 08-20-13
1) Gov Christie bans sexual orientation therapy: “If born that way, hard to say its a sin.”
N.J. Governor Signs Ban on Gay Conversion Therapy, Associated Press (Angela Delli Santi)
New Jersey Bans Gay Conversion Therapy Reuters (Victoria Cavaliere)
Christie Says Gayness Inborn as He Signs Therapy Measure, Bloomberg (Elise Young and Stacie Sherman)
2) Worldview Reveal: Blaming increased cost of adult consumption on raising kids
Housing, health care fuel record costs to raise a kid, USA Today (Nanci Hellmich)
3) Despite public welfare programs, no replacement for traditional family
Helping the Kids, Bill O’Reilly
4) PCUSA votes down “repentance of sin and diligent use of means of grace” for ministers
Half way between G.A. meetings, PCUSA presbyteries approve of everything except ‘repentance of sin’ The Layman (Carmen Fowler LaBerge)
2012 statistics show dramatic decrease in PCUSA membership, congregations, The Layman (Paula R. Kincaid)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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