In case you haven’t caught on, here’s how the world now works. If you want major attention and applause from the cultural left and its influencers, of...
1) Female theology professor at major Christian college comes out as transgender man Transgender theology professor asked to leave California Christian college after coming out, Religion News Service (Sarah Pulliam Bailey) Discrimination or do ...
Can chaplains committed to historic biblical Christianity serve in the United States military? That question, though inconceivable to our nation's founders, is now front and center. And the answer to that question will answer another, even more impor ...
1. Chemical weapons in Syria prove to be "uncivilized, barbarian, rogue" Secretary Kerry's remarks on Syria, Washington Post Syria's Gas Attack on Civilization, Wall Street Journal (Andrew Roberts) 2. Compromising personal morality now the ...
1) Despite many calling for Mubarak's execution, he's been released. What now? Egypt's Ousted Leader Hosni Mubarak Resleased, TIME (Sarah El Deeb) Mubarak to Be Transferred to House Arrest, New York Times (Rod Nordland) 2) Bradley Manning n ...
1) Gov Christie bans sexual orientation therapy: "If born that way, hard to say its a sin." N.J. Governor Signs Ban on Gay Conversion Therapy, Associated Press (Angela Delli Santi) New Jersey Bans Gay Conversion Therapy Reuters (Victoria Caval ...
1) Egyptian government cracks down on protests Egypt Imposes State of Emergency After 95 People Killed, Reuters (Yasmine Saleh and Tom Finn) Egypt Troops in Deadly Crackdown on Protestors, Wall Street Journal (Maria Abi-Habib and Leila Elmergaw ...
1) Bulger conviction reveals moral order even in organized crime Whitey Bulger found guilty of racketeering, conspiracy, USA Today (G. Jeffrey MacDonald) Boston gangster Bulger convicted of murder and racketeering, Reuters (Scott Malone) 2) ...
1. No permanent friends, no permanent enemies: Obama cancels summit with Putin Obama's Putin snub, LA Times (Editorial) A Welcome Rebuke to Putin, Wall Street Journal (Editorial) 2. Should military chaplains have to believe in God? Should ...
1) Ariel Castro: the limitations of human justice and the inadequacy of therapeutic culture Cleveland Kidnapper Claims He's 'Not a Monster' at Hearing, The New York Times (Trip Gabriel and Timothy Williams) Kidnapper Ariel Castro, Who Held Thre ...
Pope Francis pulled a surprise on reporters when he walked back to the press section of his Alitalia papal flight from Brazil and entered into an open press conference that lasted more than an hour. The Pope gave the press what Ronald Reagan and Bill ...