The Briefing 11-13-13
1) Ministry Opportunity: Millions of Filipinos in U.S. mourn loss of family and friends
International relief effort under way in devastated Philippines, Financial Times (Roel Landingin and John Aglionby)
Filipinos in U.S. Feel Helpless as They Try to Contact Kin, New York Times (Ian Lovett)
2) Hawaii just a signature away from legalizing same-sex marriage
Hawaii Senate passes gay marriage bill, USA Today (Associated Press)
3) For gay marriage activist, ENDA religious exemption ‘stuck in a 90’s time-warp’
ENDA: Stuck in a ’90s Time Warp, Huffington Post (Michelangelo Signorile)
4) Sparks fly in Supreme Court over legislative prayer
High Court to Decide Fate of Town Prayer, Wall Street Journal (Jess Bravin)
Sympathy for the Devil Worshipers, New York Times (Jesse Wegman)
Justices appear wary of regulating legislative prayer, USA Today (Richard Wolf)
5) It’s not okay to ask your kids if it’s okay to obey
Children need to be told, not asked, to cooperate, Atlanta Journal Constitution (John Rosemond)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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