The Briefing 11-26-13
1) Contraception Mandate likely headed to Supreme Court matters for all of us, not just Hobby Lobby
Court Confronts Religious Rights of Corporations, The New York Times (Adam Liptak)
2) Will same-sex marriage split the United Methodist Church?
Among Methodists, Schism Over Gay Rites, The Boston Globe (Lisa Wangsness)
Methodist pastor who officiated at gay son’s wedding is suspended for 30 days, Washington Post (Michelle Boorstein)
3) Church of England to recognize female bishops and debating recognizing same-sex parents
A church divided, World Magazine (Thomas Kidd)
Church of England synod vote ‘paves way’ for female bishops, BBC
4) More babies aborted than born. Russia responds by banning abortion advertisements.
Russia bans abortion advertisements, Reuters (Ian Bateson)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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