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The Scandal of Gendercide — War on Baby Girls

While the reality has been known for years, the Western media have generally resisted any direct coverage of the horror that is Gendercide. That changed this week when The Economist magazine published the story, “Gendercide: What Happened to 100 Mill ...

March 11, 2010

The Scandal of Gendercide — War on Baby Girls

The reality has been known for years now, though the Western media have generally resisted any direct coverage of the horror. That changed this week when The Economist published its stunning cover story -- "Gendercide -- What Happened to 100 Million ...

March 11, 2010

Christianity and Sports: Where’s the Balance?

Sports have taken an increasingly influential role in the lives of evangelical Christians.  While sports have the potential to give Christians a good platform for Christian witness, they also have the potential to lead Christians into idolatry.  On t ...

March 9, 2010

Women and Children First? A Tale of Two Ships

The tragic sinkings of the two ships Titantic and Lusitania reveal two very different stories.  On the Titantic, many men gave up their seats for women and children.  This was not the case on the Lusitania.  In today’s post-modern culture, the tradit ...

March 8, 2010

Permanence Before Experience: The Wisdom of Marriage

The onslaught of modernity has challenged basic assumptions about marriage that existed merely decades ago.  Instead of marriage being the beginning of the permanence of experience between a man and woman, many couples are opting to experience perman ...

March 5, 2010

Women and Children First? A Tale of Two Ships

The scenario is well known, and the story still haunts the modern mind. The great ocean liner that was built as unsinkable struck an iceberg on April 14, 1912 and sank early the next morning, taking 1,517 of 2,223 lives on board. The RMS Titanic beca ...

March 5, 2010

An Interview with Dr. John MacArthur

Having recently celebrated 40 years of ministry, Dr. John MacArthur has been a faithful expositor of God’s Word and shepherd of God’s people.   His ministry has benefitted many across the globe.  On today’s show, Dr. Mohler has the privilege of sitti ...

March 4, 2010

NewsNote: Black Children Are an Endangered Species?

Catherine Davis is a woman with a message, and that message is getting harder to ignore. "Black children are an endangered species." The Director of Minority Outreach for Georgia Right to Life, Davis is taking that message to the public, along with ...

March 3, 2010

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