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Tiger Woods’ Buddhist Confession

Tiger Woods’ recent apology for his moral failures have brought Buddhism to the center of the popular conversation around the world.  Woods confessed that he violated his Buddhist faith by craving things outside of himself and engaging in a fruitless ...

February 22, 2010

NewsNote: Tiger Woods’ Buddhist Confession

Americans are accustomed to a certain kind of public confession, argues Susan Wise Bauer -- and that means a confession that is shaped by the Christian faith. Indeed, in her seminal book, The Art of the Public Grovel, Bauer argues that Americans are ...

February 22, 2010

Just How Optimistic Should We Be?

A recent poll released by USA Today reveals that American parents are unfailingly optimistic about their children's future.  Parents hold optimistic hope for their children even though they are pessimistic about their present circumstances.  Yet, wor ...

February 19, 2010

Falling on Deaf Ears? — Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible

"It is well and good for the preacher to base his sermon on the Bible, but he better get to something relevant pretty quickly, or we start mentally to check out." That stunningly clear sentence reflects one of the most amazing, tragic, and lamentable ...

February 19, 2010

Did He Get Married Too Young? Young Adults & Marriage

The delay of marriage is a huge problem. Christians should be in the forefront of seeing and understanding the problem. On today's show Dr. Mohler focused on the importance of young adolescents marrying early. In today's culture, many young adults ch ...

February 18, 2010

Did He Get Married Too Young?

You have to give David Lapp credit. The 22-year-old young man knew what he wanted, and he got her -- a wife. It wasn't easy. When David and his wife Amber told her father that they wanted to get married (at ages 22 and 21, respectively), he hit the c ...

February 18, 2010

Ask Anything Wednesday

February 17, 2010

Are Preachers Too Silent about Sex?

A recent study released by the Religious Institute, a liberal organization that advocates "progressive" understandings of human sexuality, urges preachers to preach more about sex from the pulpit.  Yet, this organization is urging an inclusive messag ...

February 15, 2010

NewsNote: Just How Secular Can an Education Be?

Lisa Miller of Newsweek begins her article with what would seem to be a statement beyond dispute:  "It doesn't take a degree from Harvard to see that in today's world, a person needs to know something about religion." Note that she does not make any ...

February 15, 2010

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