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NewsNote: “Evil Exists” — Terror in Moscow

"Evil exists, and horror is always right beside you." That was the response of Sergey Kuznetsov, author of the novel Butterfly Skin, to the suicide bombings that killed at least 38 people in the Moscow subway yesterday. Once again, we are reminded of ...

March 30, 2010

A Roommate is a Roommate? — Coming Soon to a Campus Near You

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times reveals that some universities are moving toward gender-neutral dorm rooms.  Guy Gerbick, dean of residential life at Harvey Mudd College, argued for this concept in these striking terms, "If we are going int ...

March 29, 2010

A Roommate is a Roommate? — Coming Soon to a Campus Near You

Kayla Eland and Lindon Pronto are roommates at Pitzer College in California. They, along with students at a growing number of colleges and universities, are pioneering a new trend -- co-ed roommates. The Los Angeles Times reports that Eland and Pron ...

March 26, 2010

God, Sex, and Christianity Lite

Faced with a new law that recognizes same-sex marriages, many pastors in Washington, D.C. are wrestling with the question of how to handle same-sex couples that desire marriage.  In an article this week, the Religion News Service catalogs the struggl ...

March 25, 2010

God, Sex, and “Christianity Lite”

A news report from Washington, D.C. tells the story of vestigial Christianity unhinged from biblical authority. Religion News Service [RNS] reports that many pastors in the nation's capital are struggling with just how they can go about the wedding o ...

March 24, 2010

An Interview with the Son of Hamas Mosab Hassan Yousef

Hailed as a "gripping account of terror, betrayal, political intrigue, and unthinkable choices," the Son of Hamas is the story of Mosab Yousef's journey from being born the son of one of Hamas's founders to becoming a Christian.  Along the way, he se ...

March 23, 2010

Can Christian Organizations Remain Organizations in a Tolerant Age?

The Christian Legal Society at the University of California-Hastings Law School recently found itself in trouble with the law school's non-discrimination policy when it would not allow homosexual students to join the group.  This is now a case before ...

March 22, 2010

Can Christian Organizations Remain Christian in a “Tolerant” Age?

Can a Christian organization remain Christian in a culture of postmodern "tolerance?" That question is the focus of a case soon to come before the U. S. Supreme Court. Like most colleges and universities around the nation, the University of Californ ...

March 22, 2010

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