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An Interview with Josh Harris

We all first met him when he wrote his provocative book, "I Kissed Dating Goodbye."  Since then, Josh Harris has written several books including his latest, "Dug Down Deep."  On today's show, Dr. Mohler sits down with this influential pastor and auth ...

March 19, 2010

Preachers Who Don’t Believe — The Scandal of Apostate Pastors

Are there clergy who don't believe in God? That is the question posed by a new report that is certain to receive considerable attention -- and rightly so. Few church members are likely to be disinterested in whether their pastor believes in God. The ...

March 18, 2010

Ask Anything Wednesday

Counsel for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood ...

March 17, 2010

Unbelieving Pastors?

What should pastors do when they no longer hold the defining beliefs of their denominations?  That's the question posed this week in the Washington Post's "On Faith" discussion.  Unfortunately, it's a question that reflects a common reality these day ...

March 16, 2010

“This is Life We’re Talking About” — Abortion and the Health Care Bill

Ground Zero for the sanctity of human life is now the U.S. House of Representatives, where the Democratic leadership is pulling all the levers to come up with the 216 votes necessary to pass the Obama health care bill. While most of the nation seems ...

March 16, 2010

Healthcare Bill = More Abortions?

Facing the United States Congress this week is the most consequential legislation it has debated in decades: the Health Care Bill.  As it currently stands, the bill moves in a pro-choice direction by allowing federally subsidized health-care plans to ...

March 15, 2010

Fox News broadcaster Glenn Beck is famous for launching verbal grenades, and he did so again in recent days, calling upon church members to flee congregations that promote social justice. His comments incited an immediate controversy, where far more ...

March 15, 2010

An Interview with Bob Lepine

In an age of moral confusion about the family, ministries specifically targeting the family are especially needed.  Thankfully, this is the specific work of the ministry FamilyLife.  On today’s show, Dr. Mohler interviews Bob Lepine, Vice President o ...

March 12, 2010

NewsNote: “In God We Trust” and “Under God” = “No Theological Impact?”

The famous words "In God We Trust" and "under God" are safe . . . for now. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled yesterday that those phrases from the national currency and the Pledge of Allegiance do not represent a governme ...

March 12, 2010

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