1) Surveillance state revelations force Americans to ask what it means to live in a Democracy U.S. Is Secretly Collecting Records of Verizon Calls, New York Times (Charlie Savage and Edward Wyatt) NSA collecting phone records of millions of Veriz ...
Serious readers tend to read by season. A worthy book is ripe for the reading in any season, but winter seems to privilege the weightier volumes over those that seem to be more easily set aside for reading in a more opportune season. Summer is that s ...
1) Recent trials a horrible reminder of murderous humanity Soldier charged in Afghan massacre: ‘Not a good reason in this world’ for what he did, Washington Post (Associated Press) Fort Hood Suspect Says Rampage Was to Defend Afghan Taliban Lea ...
1) Manning and Holmes trials reveal difficulty of achieving perfect justice in imperfect world Judge allows plea of not guilty by insanity for James Holmes, Los Angeles Times (Jenny Deam and Michael Muskal) Suspect in Colorado Movie Killings En ...
1) DNA ruling demonstrates limitations of traditional liberal/conservative divide Justices Allow Police to Take DNA Samples After Arrests, New York Times (Adam Liptak) 2) Americans confused and divided over trusting the government Is rage ag ...
1) Tornadoes and wildfires threaten as we remember the grace and mercy of an omnipotent God 'Unpredictable' storm in Oklahoma turned on three chasers, CNN (Jake Carpenter and Catherine E. Shoichet) Tornado kills 'Storm Chasers'' Carl Young, Tim ...
1. 3/4 of Americans say religion is losing its influence Poll: America losing it's religion, CNN Belief Blog (Dan Merica) Most Americans Say Religion Is Losing Influence in U.S., Gallup (Frank Newport) 2. Is belief really less important than ...
1. Women are now the primary breadwinners in 4 out of 10 families Nearly 40 percent of mothers are now the family breadwinners, report says, The Washington Post (Brigid Schulte) 2. Young adults delaying marriage due to student loan debt ...
The church's engagement with the culture involves a host of issues, controversies, and decisions–but no issue defines our current cultural crisis as clearly as homosexuality. Some churches and denominations have capitulated to the demands of the homo ...
1) Celebrating the child rescued in China, but what of the child whose cries are never heard? China's Baby 59 left in sewage pipe evokes mass sympathy and anger, The Guardian (Tania Branigan) 2) Shocking moral equivalence made between abortion ...