1. Push to make euthanasia easier, even for teens, as humanity demands control over life and death For Belgium's Tormented Souls, Euthanasia-Made-Easy Beckons, Wall Street Journal (Naftali Bendavid) 2. European push toward secularism, starting ...
1) Majority of Americans didn't pay attention to Gosnell trial as polls show stalemate on abortion Americans' Abortion Views Steady Amid Gosnell Trial, Pew Research Center (Lydia Saad) 2) Twisted, artificial morality of mobsters Jimmy Hoffa and ...
1) Reports in the media favor same-sex marriage by 5 to 1 Pew Study: News Stories Focused on Pro-Same Sex Marriage, Broadcasting & Cable (John Eggerton) Is the political fight over gay marriage over? Or is that just the story the media is t ...
1) New President of Iran elected, but it's not a Democracy most Americans would recognize Iranians elect moderate president, Associated Press (Ali Akbar Dareini and Brian Murphy) 2) The Nazi war criminal next door - how well do you know your ne ...
1) Praying for those impacted by the Colorado wildfires 2 dead as firefighters battle Colorado blaze, CNN (Ashley Fantz and Paul Vercammen) 2) Important ruling for human dignity: human genes cannot be patented or owned Justices Rule Human Ge ...
1. Compensation and judge intervention are dangerous solutions to organ waiting lists Letting a child die for a voluntary ideal, USA Today (Sally Satel) 2. Senate will debate immigration reform, but most important debate is among the people ...
1. Plan B contraceptive will now be available over-the-counter to girls of any age Feds: Morning-after pill appeal officially on hold, Associated Press (Tom Hays) Obama to End Effort to Restrict Morning-After Pill, New York Times (Michael D. Sh ...
As the 2013 Southern Baptist Convention convenes this morning in Houston, theological issues will be ever close at hand. This is as it should be, for Baptists are a theological people. The history of the Southern Baptist Convention has been a legacy ...
1. Karpen's clinic in Houston a reminder that every abortion clinic is a house of horrors Anti-abortion group targets doctor, some call it witch hunt, Houston Chronicle (Mike Tolson) 2. Unborn face the danger of geography: Governor Cuomo acts t ...
1. Judge's intervention in organ transplant raises even more ethical problems Judge's ruling challenges US transplant system, Associated Press (Lauran Neergaard) 2. Responding to the surveillance state: What do American's want? NSA revelati ...