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September 4, 2024

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Marriage Archives

The Briefing 03-29-13

Story 1 - Where is the moral factor in the marriage debate? Court should honor traditional marriage, USA Today (Eric Teetsel) The Other Lawyer in Gay-Wed Case, Wall Street Journal (Geoffrey Fowler) Story 2 - Abortion insurance mandate furth ...

March 29, 2013

The Briefing 03-28-13

Story 1 - DOMA faces tough scrutiny in Supreme Court hearings Justices Seem Set to End U.S. Ban on Benefits to Gay Spouses, New York Times (Adam Liptak and Peter Baker) Courting Cowardice, New York Times (Maureen Dowd) Supreme Court should ...

March 28, 2013

The Briefing 03-27-13

Story 1 - The arguments and implications in historic Supreme Court hearings Supreme Court Oral Argument Audio 03/26/2013 Supreme Court of the United States Marriage in the Dock—The Supreme Court Considers Same-Sex Marriage, ...

March 27, 2013

The Briefing 03-26-13

Story 1 - A historic week: Where will the Supreme Court justices go? Heightened Scrutiny, New York Times (Op-Ed) Marriage and the Supreme Court, Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed) Is Legalized Gay Marriage Inevitable? Don't Be So Sure, The Atlanti ...

March 26, 2013

Marriage in the Dock—The Supreme Court Considers Same-Sex Marriage

The next two days are destined to stand among the most significant days in our nation's constitutional history, but the issues at stake reach far beyond the U.S. Constitution. Nothing less than marriage is in the dock, with the nation's highest court ...

March 26, 2013

The Briefing 03-25-13

Story 1 - One of the most momentous weeks in constitutional history of The United States In gay marriage cases, Supreme Court may choose caution over boldness, Washington Post (Robert Barnes) The Constitution and Same-Sex Marriage, Wall Street ...

March 25, 2013

The Empire State’s Moral Revolution: New York State Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

The legal, social, moral, and political maps of America were redefined last Friday night as the New York State Senate voted 33-29 to legalize same-sex marriage in the state. The State Assembly had already approved the measure, leaving the Republican- ...

June 27, 2011

When the Church Bows to the State: Gay Bishops in the Church of England

As if the Church of England does not have enough troubles, word is leaking out of Lambeth Palace that the church is about to allow the appointment of openly gay bishops, so long as those bishops remain celibate. The news has emerged in the form o ...

June 22, 2011

The Briefing

Remarks by the President on the Middle East and North Africa... French agape over treatment of jailed IMF chief... 30% unmarried rate is highest in 6 decades, Census says... Study Finds Women Slower to Wed, and Divorce Easing... The words 'I do' stil ...

May 20, 2011

Killing Off Marriage? Dr. Ablow Reports — You Decide

Dr. Keith Ablow thinks that marriage is "a source of real suffering for the vast majority of married people." As a matter of fact, that is only one of the accusations Ablow hurls against marriage before eventually calling for its demise. Marriage, he ...

May 9, 2011

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