The Briefing 04-25-13
1. Worldview Matters: the influence of Islam and local mosques on bombing suspects
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should not face the death penalty, even for a capital crime, The Guardian (Alan Dershowitz)
3. Canadian plot a reminder of life in a fallen world
Canada: Suspects Appear in Court Over Charges in Derailment Plot, New York Times (Ian Austen)
4. Same-sex marriage arguments reveal moral confusion
Amid Much Tumult, France Approves ‘Marriage for All’, New York Times (Scott Sayare)
Gay Marriage Measure Advances in Rhode Island, New York Times (Erik Eckholm)
5. Boy Scouts unsustainable moral compromise draws criticism from both sides
The Boy Scouts failed fix, Star-Ledger (Editorial)
Scouting is for honor, not sex and politics, Washington Times (John Stemberger)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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