Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Canadians Brace for Same-Sex Marriage

The Canadian House of Commons passed legislation legalizing same-sex marriage on Tuesday. The 158-133 vote puts Canada in line to become only the third country to legalize homosexual marriage, joining Belgium and the Netherlands. According to press r ...

June 30, 2005

U.C.C. Leader Declares Support for Same-Sex Marriage

With a big vote looming in just days, the Rev. John Thomas, General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ [UCC] endorsed same-sex marriage in a June 28 address to the UCC's Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns ...

June 30, 2005

Why Americans Will Not Accept Roe v. Wade

Edward Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington recently testified before a U.S. Senate panel considering the legacy of the two infamous abortion decisions, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. His testimony raised several of ...

June 29, 2005

The Truth About The Truth About Hillary

A good number of conservatives are salivating at the prospect of making Edward Klein's new book about Hillary Clinton the centerpiece of their summer reading. After all, The Truth About Hillary promises to be a real page-turner, with some horrible re ...

June 29, 2005

The New Gay Channel — Beyond Sexuality?

MTV Networks unveils its new gay channel, Logo, on Thursday. According to The New York Times, "While movies will be the digital cable channel's mainstay, Logo will offer a variety of regular series, featuring travel programs, documentaries, concerts, ...

June 29, 2005

Extended Male Adolescence — The British Version

The Sunday Times [London] reports that young British men are turning into "eternal bachelors" and the nation is turning into a "bachelor nation." In fact, men are marrying now marrying at a rate lower than at any time other than the most intense year ...

June 28, 2005

Another Step Toward Designer Babies

A Massachusetts firm is now marketing the Baby Gender Monitor, a home "gender test" that allows a woman to know the gender of her baby almost as soon as she knows she is pregnant. As The Boston Globe reports, "The $275 test works by detecting and ana ...

June 28, 2005

John Leo on the Dangers of Doublespeak

Columnist John Leo of US News and World Report considers contemporary abuses of language in Double Trouble Speak, published in the current edition of the magazine. "It's a living language," Leo remindes us, "but sometimes it's dead on arrival when pe ...

June 28, 2005

Why Communism Didn’t Work

The Polish philosopher Leszek Kolakowski offered a profound refutation of Marxism/Communism. Essayist and cultural critic Roger Kimball considers Kolakowski's legeacy in Leszek Kolakowski and the Anatomy of Totalitarianism, published in the June 2005 ...

June 28, 2005

The Ten Commandments Decisions

Today's commentary, Two Decisions, Two Worldviews--The Ten Commandments Decisions, considers the meaning and impact of the two decisions handed down yesterday. The decisions aside, this is a good opportunity for Christians to remember the importance ...

June 28, 2005