Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...
The meaning of the president’s second term in office Monday was one of those very few days that draw a line in the sands of history. Amer...
The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...
The redeeming love of God and the glory of Christmas Once in royal David’s city, stood a lowly cattle shed, Where a mother laid her baby, in a man...
On this Lord's Day, direct your thoughts to the vision of God revealed in Walter C. Smith's great hymn, "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise." The hymn is a beautiful and majestic testimony to the omniscience and sovereignty of our all-knowing God: Im ...
An honest sense of moral discomfort marks Jim Holt's article published in today's edition of The New York Times Magazine. In "Euthanasia for Babies?", Holt considers the now-infamous Groningen Protocols developed by a team of Dutch doctors. These med ...
My family and I stood on a dark beach in South Florida tonight, watching a great storm build on the horizon. The eye of Hurricane Dennis is still several hundred miles away, but the crushing surf and the gusting winds announce the coming storm. Alrea ...
Yesterday's edition of The New York Times includes an interesting opinion column by Bob Herbert entitled, "Dad's Empty Chair." Herbert writes with passion and insight about the problem of fatherlessness and what the absence of a father means. He look ...
The bombings in London force us to look evil in the face once again. While some observers and commentators wonder aloud how human beings could do this to each other, Christians must affirm what we already know -- that great evil lurks in the heart of ...
"The Presbyterian Church (USA) is at a crossroads," declares a recently-released document from a group of concerned Presbyterians. The Presbyterian Lay Committee [PLC] is a venerable group of conservative Presbyterians who have been working for a Ref ...
The New York Times reports on Camp Quest, a summer camp for atheist and agnostic youth. The camp is located in Boone County, Kentucky, and caters to kids from secular homes. One 12-year-old boy expressed his satisfaction with the experience: "It's go ...
A Manchester, England financial institution, The Co-operative Bank, has asked a Christian organization, Christian Voice, to close its accounts because its convictions on homosexuality are "incompatible" with the position of the bank. Here are excerpt ...
Stephanie Coontz is back on the op-ed pages, staying on-message with her new book about the transformation of marriage. She celebrates the legalization of same-sex marriage in Canada and Spain, assured that these events serve as further evidence that ...
Observers of Christianity in America have suggested in recent years that the most interesting controversies of our times are those within denominations. That generalization may be generally accurate, but the other big story is the great and widening ...