Liberal parents, conservative sons

Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...

March 3, 2025

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We Need More Faithful Husbands — Not ‘Passive Nice Guys’

Mark Chanski, a pastor in Holland, Michigan, thinks that many Chistian men fall far short of the biblical vision of what he calls "husbanding." Several significant cultural factors have contributed to this reality, but Chanski sees even deeper theolo ...

July 22, 2005

The Battle is Joined — Watch the Maneuvering

Forces opposed to the confirmation of Judge John G. Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court lost no time trying to find any argument with traction. The "e-word" -- extremist -- has already been employed, but that only makes those who would call Judge Rober ...

July 21, 2005

The President Appoints Judge Roberts

Ending weeks of speculation, President George W. Bush announced his nomination of Judge John G. Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court last night. Judge Roberts is superbly qualified and will serve the nation with dignity, honor, and great legal intellige ...

July 20, 2005

The Death of a General

Retired U.S. General William C. Westmoreland died last nght at age 91. He died as one of the most controversial figures in American military history. He began in brilliance, leading the cadet corps at West Point, reaching the rank of colonel by age 3 ...

July 19, 2005

The “Right Kind of Justice” According to The New York Times

Sunday's edition of The New York Times features a lead editorial that sets out its demands for a new associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The editorial, "The Right Kind of Justice," is filled with the kind of rhetoric we can expect in coming ...

July 18, 2005

Boomerang Nation — What Happens When Kids Don’t (or Won’t) Grow Up?

Elina Furman writes about the emergence of the "boomerang nation" -- a nation of adult children who don't assume adult responsibilities, but come home to live again with parents. Don't get her wrong -- she's not opposed to the trend. She just wants t ...

July 15, 2005

What Greeting Cards Say About Us

Following my usual practice, a couple of years ago I quickly ran into a local card shop to pick up a Mothers Day card for my wife. Easy enough, you may say. Not so. Men are just not well equipped for greeting card shopping. It's bad enough to pay an ...

July 14, 2005

David Halberstam on “A Modest Generation”

Historian David Halberstam, one of the most popular and influential historians of modern America, reflected on his generation as his Harvard class of 1955 celebrated its fiftieth reunion. In "A Modest Generation," published in the May-June 2005 issue ...

July 13, 2005

Coming Soon — Women Bishops for the Church of England

When the Church of England began ordaining women as priests back in 1994, ecclesiastical laws were put into place that prevented the election of a woman as bishop. As one Anglican friend told me at the time, the prohibition against women bishops was ...

July 12, 2005

An Evolving Position on Evolution? Interesting Developments in the Roman Catholic Church

A leading Roman Catholic cardinal has issued a statement that has caused quite a stir in both scientific and theological circles. Christoph Schonborn, the cardinal archbishop of Vienna, published his controversial remarks in the pages of The New York ...

July 11, 2005