Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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The Urgency of Church Discipline — Christianity Today’s Article Series

Christianity Today has published an important series of articles on church discipline. Given the absence of biblical discipline from the life of most congregations, these articles are urgently-needed reminders of what is st stake. The six articles ar ...

August 1, 2005

The Born-Again Bank Robber?

A man once wanted as Mexico's "Public Enemy Number One" has been arrested in California, living under an alias and claiming to be born again. Alfredo Rios Galeana, arrested on charges including bank robbery, had escaped from a Mexican prison and then ...

July 31, 2005

Senator Frist Shifts Position on Stem Cells

Senator Bill Frist (R-TN), the Senate Majority Leader, has broken with the White House and will support wider use of tax dollars to support embryonic stem-cell research. In a lengthy speech delivered yesterday to the Senate, Sen. Frist announced that ...

July 30, 2005

The Sexual Revolution — What Really Happened?

Author Theodore Dalrymple, a British doctor serving in an inner-city hospital, writes of the cultural revolutions of the last decades of the twentieth century in Our Culture, What's Left of It [Ivan R. Dee, 2005]. Addressing the sexual revolution, Da ...

July 29, 2005

The Culture of Death Speaks — Is Anyone Listening?

The Times [London] reports today that the abortion rate in Great Britain has taken a significant upward turn. While some expressed dismay at this news, others took a very different view. Consider this section of the paper's article: Ann Furedi, chief ...

July 28, 2005

Machen on Christianity as a Way of Life ‘Founded Upon a Doctrine’

There is much conversation these days about the role of doctrine in the Christian life. I was recently reminded of how J. Gresham Machen addressed this issue in the context of the controversies of his day. On September 11, 1924, Machen responded to a ...

July 27, 2005

I Guess It All Depends on What “Celibacy” Means?

The Church of England is trying its best to avoid achieving a clear position on the issue of homosexuality, even for clergy. Yesterday, the church's House of Bishops found itself publicly embarrassed by its own statements, even as it attempted to cla ...

July 26, 2005

Teenagers ‘Who Have Never Seen a Wedding?’ William Raspberry on ‘Why Our Black Families Are Failing’

Columnist William Raspberry has written a must-read article published in today's edition of The Washington Post. In "Why Our Black Families Are Failing," Raspberry argues that family disintegration begins with the loss of a marriage culture. How bad ...

July 25, 2005

Should Parents Honor a ‘Zone of Privacy’ For Their Children?

These days, parenting books and experts often argue that parents should largely leave their children alone -- allowing them to forge their own way, choose their own path, and find their own 'truth.' As a matter of fact, this is the reigning orthodoxy ...

July 25, 2005

A Preacher’s Prayer — A. W. Tozer

A. W. Tozer was one of the great Christian writers of the last century -- a man whose pen was both eloquent and courageous. Here is an excerpt from his prayer as a preacher seeking God's power and glory: Lord Jesus, I come to Thee for spiritual prepa ...

July 24, 2005