Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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PETA Reconsiders an Ad — Should We Learn Something?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [PETA] is reportedly "reconsidering" a campaign that compares animal abuse to human slavery. According to The Los Angeles Times, One panel showed a black civil rights protester being beaten at a lunch count ...

August 14, 2005

ELCA Rejects Proposal to Allow Homosexual Ministers

Meeting yesterday, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America [ELCA] turned back a proposal that would have allowed non-celibate homosexuals to serve as ministers. As The New York Times reports today, In an indication of the deep split over homosexua ...

August 13, 2005

Today’s Radio — Video Games and the Lure of the Unreal

In today's commentary, "Video Games -- The New Playgrounds of the Self," I take a look at Christine Rosen's important article, "Playgrounds of the Self," published in the current edition of The New Atlantis. That's also the topic of today's edition o ...

August 12, 2005

A Religious Test for Judges? The Secular Left Panics

Christopher D. Morris is in a lather. In his op-ed article, "Stopping a Judicial Conflict of Interest," published earlier this week in The Boston Globe, Morris comes right to the brink of secular panic -- and then goes over the cliff. He actually sug ...

August 12, 2005

The NARAL Ad and the Morality of Truth-Telling

The now-infamous NARAL Pro-Choice America television ad against Supreme Court nominee John Roberts has become a lesson in the value of intellectual integrity and the necessity of truth-telling -- even in the midst of a contentious political battle. [ ...

August 12, 2005

Dembski-Ruse Debate Continued features an exchange of articles between Bill Dembski and Michael Ruse that continues and clarifies the debate. Dembski's article includes these choice statements: Intelligent design is a modest position theologically and philosophicall ...

August 12, 2005

Two Competing Religions — Michael Ruse on Creationism and Evolutionism

Michael Ruse is one of evolution's most ardent defenders. A philosopher of science who teaches at Florida State University, Ruse is a frequent presence in the media, a well-known author, and an energetic critic of both creationism and Intelligent Des ...

August 11, 2005

Stem Cell Debate in the Heartland?

The Washington Post reports that the stem cell research controversy is spreading from Washington throughout the nation. In reporter Peter Slevin's words: The moral debate over embryonic stem cells stretches far beyond Capitol Hill to state capitals a ...

August 10, 2005

The Confirmation Battle Heats Up — NARAL’s Odious Ad

The group known as NARAL Pro-Choice America has launched an advertising campaign that opposes the confirmation of John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court. The television ad is truly odious, demonstrating a fundamental lack of honesty and human decency ...

August 10, 2005

Human-Enhancement Technologies and the Post-Human Future

Professor Daniel Sarewitz of Arizona State University sees the controversy in sports over the use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs as part of a larger and more threatening issue -- the use of performance-enhancing technologies to red ...

August 9, 2005