The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...
Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...
The meaning of the president’s second term in office Monday was one of those very few days that draw a line in the sands of history. Amer...
The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...
An undisclosed conflict of interest related to abortion is fueling controversy at the Journal of the American Medical Association. Here is the lead from an article in today's edition of The New York Times: "Two of five authors of an article published ...
The Bible clearly and unambiguously reveals that human beings are special creatures --the only creature made in the image of God. That claim is now a focus of the evolution debate, as is made clear in a recent op-ed column published in The New York T ...
"It is nowadays very difficult for a boy to grow up with masculine honor in this society. For one thing, he is standing at the tail-end of a veritable whirlwind of anti-male sentiment that has been sweeping through the country for decades; although t ...
Once again, I had the honor of preaching the Opening Convocation address for The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce College. I preached from 2 Corinthians 4:1-18. The message, "By the Mercy of God: Why Would God Call People Like Us to a ...
On Wednesday, CBN founder Pat Robertson released a statement "clarifying" his suggestion offered Monday to the effect that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez should be assassinated. Earlier in the day, he had claimed that press reports had "misinterpre ...
All human beings are capable of making outrageous comments, fraudulent claims, and scandalous conversation. That is part of the human condition -- part of being a sinner. Language is a powerful gift, but the evil use of language can do great and grav ...
Generations of children in the Soviet Union were taught the story of "Comrade Pavlik," a young boy and "Young Pioneer" who "heroically" denounced his own father to Soviet authorities, accusing his father of hoarding grain. After young Pavlik [whose f ...
The New York Times is continuing its barrage of news stories and analysis articles on the controversy over evolution and Intelligent Design with an article by reporter Cornelia Dean, "Scientists Speak Up on Mix of God and Science." Dean's main point ...
Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center took a look at the recent "Teen Choice Awards" program featured on Fox. The winners were chosen by teenagers via a poll organized by Teen People magazine. Bozell reports: "In between the incessant screaming o ...
The New York Times is out again with (yet another) major article on the controversy over evolutionary theory and Intelligent Design. Today's article, "In Explaining Life's Complexity, Darwinists and Doubters Clash," by Kenneth Chang, sets this issue ...