President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...
The Culture of Death scores in Britain: A post-Christian society surrenders to “assisted death” Once again, the Culture of Death scored big last we...
Collapse in the cathedral: A scandal in the Church of England reveals big lessons for all Christians Headlines around the world last week told of t...
It was a night to remember. We went into Tuesday evening with the constant reminder that the presidential race would be among the tightest in recent h...
On Friday's edition of The Albert Mohler Program, Russ Moore and I discussed the state of fatherhood in our times. We seem to be living at a moment when fatherhood, having been sidelined, marginalized, and depreciated for at least three decades, is b ...
The United Church of Christ is set to debate the Lordship of Christ as it meets for its General Synod starting July 1. The issue arose when a group of UCC members proposed a "prudential resolution" intended to put the denomination on the record in su ...
Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, edited by John Piper and Justin Taylor has now been released by Crossway Books. The book includes all the presentations made at the conference of the same title, held last year in Minneapolis. The book includes my cha ...
The Washington Post featured a very interesting opinion column in its Sunday Outlook section this week. Henry Brinton, pastor of Virginia's Fairfax Presbyterian Church [Presbyterian Church (USA)] presented a case for the conjoining of "faith" and "sc ...
Roger Rosenblatt, a gifted wordsmith and reporter with the NewsHour program on PBS, recently filed an essay in which he expressed honest surprise at the levels of Christian belief he has observed around the country. He begins: "As a secular Jew, a di ...
The autopsy report on Terri Schiavo was released yesterday, and some pundits were quick to jump to conclusions. The report indicates that the pathologist who conducted the autopsy was unable to determine either the cause of the cardiological disrupti ...
Human Events asked "a panel of 15 conservative scholars and public policy leaders" to identify the ten most harmful books of the 19th and 20th centuries. The list: 1. The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx 2. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler 3. Quotatio ...
The Times of London is reporting that the British Scouting Association has abandoned its tradtional pledge of loyalty "to God and to the Queen" in favor of what it describes as "multicultural options." "Muslim Scouts can opt to swear to Allah, while ...
The Houston Chronicle reports that more and more churches and denominations are turning to media advertising as the way to raise their public profiles, attract new members, and stem membership losses. The article by Richard Vara is truly interesting. ...
George Lucas' Star Wars saga is now complete, or so we are told. With the cinematic release of Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith, the story is fully developed and the massive film project is certain to be a commercial success. The Revenge of the ...