The death of a president

The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...

January 30, 2025

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Anglican Developments — U.S. and Canadian Churches Excluded

The Anglican Consultative Council voted last week to exclude the Episcopal Church, USA  and the Anglican Church of Canada from its deliberations for three years. The ground of the expulsion was the fact that the two North American churches had taken ...

June 27, 2005

Why Sing the Hymns?

Consider this statement on the disappearance of hymns from worship from Paul S. Jones: The postmodern church, like the rest of Western culture, is self-obsessed and seems uninterested in the rich heritage of church music imparted to us from the saint ...

June 26, 2005

Joel Osteen Issues Apology

Joel Osteen has issued an apology for his disappointing June 20 appearance on CNN's Larry King Live program. The apology is published on the Joel Osteen Ministries Web site. "It was never my desire or intention to leave any doubt as to what I believe ...

June 25, 2005

The Limits of Encouragement

We would all like to be encouraging -- and encouragement is one of the hallmarks of Christian ministry. After all, Barnabas was given his name as "Son of Encouragement" precisely in recognition of this invaluable ministry (Acts 4:36). Nevertheless, e ...

June 24, 2005

Why Would Christians Oppose Same-Sex Marriage?

In my commentary published today, I take a close look at Sunday's edition of The New York Times Magazine. The cover story by Russell Shorto, What's the Movement to Outlaw Gay Marriage Really About?, deserves your attention as well. The article provid ...

June 24, 2005

True Beauty — And True Wisdom

Carolyn Mahaney and her daughter Nicole Mahaney Whitacre have written an important new book, Girl Talk: Mother-Daughter Conversations on Biblical Womanhood [Crossway Books]. The book belongs in the hands of every young woman. Here's a sample of what ...

June 24, 2005

Air Force Academy Report Released — No “Overt Discimination”

The Pentagon has released its promised report on claims of religious discrimination at the Air Force Academy, and the official investigation found evidence of "insensitivity," but no evidence of "overt religious discrimination." This report will not ...

June 23, 2005

Michael Schiavo — Inventing Reality on a Grave Marker

The tragic saga of the late Terri Schiavo just never ceases to be a cause of moral depression. The latest development is the revelation that Michael Schiavo, Terri's husband, has placed a marker over Terri's grave that, to put it mildly, invents a ne ...

June 23, 2005

A Conservative Resurgence Among American Baptists?

A report published in The Christian Century indicates that liberals fear the rise of a conservative movement within the American Baptist Churches in the USA [ABCUSA]. The issue that has ignited recent developments is homosexuality, specifically the g ...

June 22, 2005

Biology and Morality — What If There Is a Biological Basis for Homosexuality?

The Seattle Times weighed in on the homosexuality debate again on Sunday, with the paper's science reporter, Sandi Doughton, arguing that "a flock of sheep at Oregon State University may help answer a key question behind the controversy: Is homosexua ...

June 21, 2005