President Biden’s unpardonable pardon

President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...

January 4, 2025

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‘A Masterpiece of Collecting’ — Christie’s Auctions Porn

This story from a British newspaper caught my eye. It seems that one of the world's most notable and extensive collections of pornography (styled as "erotic art") is going on the auction block in Paris. Here's the gist of the story from The Telegraph ...

April 24, 2006

Indoctrination in the Public Schools — Another Warning From Massachusetts

Just last year, parent David Parker was arrested for trespassing at the Estabrook Elementary School in Lexington, Massachusetts. Mr. Parker had demanded that school officials allow him to "opt out" his son from lessons on sexual diversity. His son ha ...

April 21, 2006

Pushing the Abortion Agenda — In the Medical Schools

"Even other doctors call us the baby killers," says Dr. Christopher Estes of Columbia University's medical school. Dr. Estes insists that these other doctors are speaking "tongue-in-cheek," but the fact is that many medical students resist any traini ...

April 21, 2006

Does it Matter if the Cowboys Are Sleeping Together? Adventures in Missing the Point

The New Republic returns to the issue of Brokeback Mountain in an essay by Christopher Orr on "Masculinity and Brokeback Mountain." Orr argues that the furor over the movie has to do with the fact that our current cultural context no longer allows tw ...

April 20, 2006

Deeply Divided Over Abortion? USA Today Maps a Post-Roe America

What would happen if Roe v. Wade were reversed? That question interests both sides in this nation's abortion debate, and no one can know just how each state would respond -- but some states have already signaled their intentions. According to a fron ...

April 20, 2006

The Moral Responsibility of Civilization

The very existence of civilization -- an achievement under the best of circumstances -- is undermined by moral collapse. A haunting reminder of this now comes in the reponse of Hamas to yesterday's suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. The bombing killed nine ...

April 19, 2006

Politics and the Pulpit — Some Helpful Words

Richard W. Garnett, a professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, offers some wise counsel on the issue of the pulpit and politics, noting that all true preaching has some political dimension to it. This is simply inevitable, given the fact tha ...

April 18, 2006

Evangelical — What’s in the Name?

I have written a great deal on the issue of evangelical definition -- an issue that will not go away any time soon. Michael Luo of The New York Times offered an overview of the question in Sunday's edition of the paper. I was glad to talk to Mr. Luo ...

April 18, 2006

Theories of the Atonement — Dever Defends Substitution

Writing in Christianity Today, Mark Dever, pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC, offers an important defense of the substitutionary nature of Christ's atonement. His article is convictionally clear, balanced in tone, and very helpf ...

April 17, 2006

Marriage on the Rocks in Europe

The Christian Science Monitor offers a report that confirms once again what many observers have noted -- that marriage is fast disappearing as a normative social institution, especially among the young in Europe. According to reporter Peter Ford, "A ...

April 17, 2006