Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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The Contemporary Myth Gets It Exactly Wrong — N. T. Wright on The Da Vinci Code and Its Popularity

I disagree with Bishop N. T. Wright on a number of issues, ranging from the so-called "New Perspective" on Paul to the role of women in the church. Nevertheless, when he is right (and in defending such doctrines as the resurrection of Christ, he oft ...

April 12, 2006

The Family That Eats Together . . . Talks to Each Other

The New York Times picks up on the resurgence of concern that families should -- get this -- eat a daily meal together. "People are really starting to understand that this is an important thing," said Richard D. Mulieri, a spokesman for the National ...

April 12, 2006

The Baby Business

Debora L. Spar, a professor at the Harvard Business School, has emerged as one the the most influential libertarian enthusiasts for the new reproductive technologies. Her new book, The Baby Business: How Money, Science and Politics Drive the Commer ...

April 11, 2006

The Passions of Bach

Anthony Tommasini of The New York Times reviews two recent performaces of Bach's "passions" -- the presentations of "St. Matthew Passion" by the Brooklyn Academy of Music and of the "St. John Passion" by the choir of Saint Thomas Church on Fifth Aven ...

April 11, 2006

“The Gospel of Judas” — Still a Media Item

The National Geographic Channel's special on "The Gospel of Judas" represents the most extensive television coverage of this news item, but don't assume that the story will go away any time soon. The barrage of news coverage has ranged from the respo ...

April 10, 2006

The Aging Playboy

My commentary for today concerns Hugh Hefner and his 80th birthday, which he marked on Sunday. As I argue there, few individuals have made such an impact on their times. Hugh Hefner is the perfect parable of the pornographic lie -- that the good life ...

April 10, 2006

Jesus Walked on Ice? Another Effort to Deny the Miraculous

The Washington Post reported Thursday that "Israeli and U.S. scientists have come up with a scientific explanation of how Jesus could have walked on water." Ready for this? Their answer: It was actually floating ice. The scientists acknowledge that ...

April 7, 2006

Would Scientists Lie?

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports today that a large percentage of research scientists admit to fabricating or manipulating data because of a sense of "being wronged." Reporter Lila Guterman explains that The Journal of Empirical Research on ...

April 7, 2006

Do Christians Still Believe in the Resurrection of the Body?

A poll undertaken and published by Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University points to a most interesting finding -- a majority of Americans no longer believe in the resurrection of the body. As Thomas Hargrove and Guido H. Stempel IIII report ...

April 7, 2006

“The Gospel of Judas” — A Challenge to Classical Christianity?

Today's commentary, "From Traitor to Hero? Responding to 'The Gospel of Judas,'"should offer some assistance as Christians attempt to wade through all the media attention devoted to the publication of The Gospel of Judas. I also discussed this issue ...

April 7, 2006