Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Lessons From History About Marriage and Family

Allan Carlson of the Howard Center in Rockford, Illinois, offers insights into the historical context of our controversies over marriage and family in "The Family Factors," published in Touchstone Magazine. His conclusion: And so, I offer you again ...

April 7, 2006

From Mother and Father to Progenitor A and Progenitor B — A Sign of the Times

"Spain has taken another step in its journey from conservative to liberal bastion by creating new birth certificates to avoid discrimination against same-sex couples," reports The Telegraph [London]. In an official state bulletin, the Spanish govern ...

April 6, 2006

Liberal Christianity and the Religious Left — A Typology for Our Times?

Steven Waldman, editor in chief of Beliefnet, offers a survey of the religious left at He divides the left into five groups: "Bible-thumping liberals," "pious peaceniks," "ethnic churchgoers," "conflicted Catholics," and and "religious fem ...

April 6, 2006

Is the Problem Cultural or Chemical? What’s Happening to Boys?

Leonard Sax, author of the forthcoming book, Boys Adrift, argues in The Washington Post that boys and young men are falling far behind young women in terms of achievement and motivation. The article deserves attention. Some excerpts: This phenomeno ...

April 6, 2006

What’s Going on in France?

Scenes of urban mayhem filled the cable news programs in recent days as university students and their allies filled the streets of Paris with rioting and protests. The students want no changes to France's impossible and impractical labor laws -- law ...

April 5, 2006

Are Facts Obsolete? Thomas Sowell on Truth vs. Propaganda

With French students and labor unions running into the streets of Paris in an ill-fated attempt to ignore reality, a dose of reality therapy from Hoover Institution scholar Thomas Sowell is in order. Sowell is one of the most thoughtful and construct ...

April 5, 2006

More on the Prayer Study Question — A Good Word From Mark Coppenger

My colleague, Professor Mark Coppenger, has contributed a good word on the prayer "research" controversy. His commentary is available at Baptist Press. Here are a few excerpts: So what shall we make of the intercessory prayer test? Well, first, I as ...

April 4, 2006

What to Make of ‘Scientific’ Studies on Prayer?

When studies in recent years purported to show that prayer "works," quite a few Christian leaders championed the research as evidence that prayer can be scientifically and medically verified and validated. I did not join in that celebration for three ...

April 4, 2006

A Death Wish for Humanity?

News reports indicate that University of Texas zoology professor Eric Pianka suggested that the vast majority of human beings should die in order to establish an ecological balance on the planet. According to the Gazette-Enterprise of Seguin, Texas, ...

April 4, 2006

Now They Are Afraid of the Students — The Intellectual Anxiety of the Evolutionists

Given the public bluster of the evolutionary establishment, one would think that these scientists and teachers of science would be up to any challenge to their cherished evolutionary orthodoxy. If they are so certain that their theory is correct and ...

April 3, 2006