Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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The Church and The Da Vinci Code

Gary Emerling of The Washington Times reports that churches in the D.C. area are gearing up to respond to the challenge of The Da Vinci Code movie, set for release May 19. From the article: "It poses certain questions to Orthodox Christian believer ...

May 8, 2006

The Last Titanic Survivor Dies — At Least the Last Survivor Who Could Remember the Tragedy

News reports on Sunday indicated that the last survivor of the sinking of the Titanic died Saturday at age 99. Lillian Gertrud Asplund was only five when the "unsinkable" ship went down in the cold dark waters of the North Atlantic. She survived the ...

May 8, 2006

Together for the Gospel Affirmations and Denials Statement

The Affirmations and Denials statement we released at the Together for the Gospel conference is now available in a complete on-line version, ready for download. We have greatly appreciated the response to the document, and we pray it will serve the c ...

May 5, 2006

Homosexuality and the Bible — A Jewish Perspective

The Conservative movement within American Judaism is debating the issue of homosexuality, centered in the questions of the ordination of homosexuals as rabbis and the blessing of same-sex union. As with Christian denominations, the inescapable issue ...

May 5, 2006

Pregnant at Age 63? Another Glimpse into the Brave New World

The big news out of Britain today is the announcement that a 63-year old psychiatrist is pregnant, thanks to a donor egg and the services of the controversial Italian fertility specialist, Dr. Severino Antinori. FromMedical News Today: Dr. Patricia ...

May 4, 2006

How Parenthood Lost Its Charm — Europe’s Collapsing Birthrate

From London, The Guardian reports that Europe's collapsing birthrate is finally getting the attention of government leaders. Germany, with the continent's lowest birthrate, is now trying to persuade individuals to have more children, offering financi ...

May 3, 2006

Dark Age Ahead — Jane Jacobs’ Last Warning

Jane Jacobs, the most influential critic of urban planning of our times, died April 25 in Toronto. Her most notable book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities, written in 1961, changed the debate over cities in America -- even if many of her i ...

May 3, 2006

Sen. Danforth on the Question of Marriage — A Man Lacking in Seriousness

Former Sen. John Danforth addressed the Log Cabin Republicans this past Saturday night, accepting the group's enthusiastic approval when he called efforts to ban same-sex marriage as "silly." The Log Cabin Republicans are committed to the homosexual ...

May 2, 2006

Modern Times — The High Cost of Speed

Tony Long contributes a thoughtful piece on the speed of modern life in "A Sour Note on Modern Times," published at Wired magazine. Long begins with a lament on the fact that classical music stations, in a desperate attempt to attract new listeners, ...

May 1, 2006

Blogs and the Survival of Civilization Reconsidered

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, creator of the popular Instapundit blog, thinks that Daniel Henninger is all wet when it comes to his criticisms of the blogosphere [see below]. Writing at TechCentralStation, Reynolds disagrees with Henninger's assertion that ...

April 28, 2006