Male and female created He them

The courage and clarity of President Trump’s executive orders on gender identity Last week, flanked by a small army of girls and young women, Presi...

March 10, 2025

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Is the Tragedy of Darfur — Is It Genocide? Does it Matter?

Michael Clough, a specialist on African issues, argues that the murderous tragedy in the Darfur region of Sudan is not, properly speaking, genocide. In, "It's Hell in Darfur, But Is it Genocide?," published in the Mary 14, 2006 edition of The Los An ...

May 15, 2006

Why Intellectuals Stumble

No one will agree with everything Professor Bruce Kuklick of the University of Pennsylvania argues in this opinion piece published Sunday in The Los Angeles Times, but it demands to be read anyway. In "Bright and Wrong," he argues that intellectuals ...

May 15, 2006

How Much Is a Mom Worth?

Carl Bialik, "The Numbers Guy" columnist at The Wall Street Journal, looks at how some researchers try to project what a mom should be paid if mothers were paid as "domestic professionals." By any measure, the executive, administrative, medical, nutr ...

May 12, 2006

More on the Mommy Wars

Kay S. Hymowitz of City Journal observes that author Caitlin Flanagan has kicked up quite a storm with her new book, To Hell With All That: Loving and Loathing Our Inner Housewife. Ideological feminists hate the book. Why? As Hymowitz explains: Flan ...

May 12, 2006

Europe and “Fertility Tourism”

You know the times are getting strange when a business known as "fertility tourism" makes the major media. The Guardian [London] reports that Britain's new law requiring the identification of egg and sperm donors has led (surprisingly enough) to a b ...

May 12, 2006

An Ecumenical “Conversion Plan?”

The Associated Press reports that the Vatican and the World Council of Churches are working on "a common code for religious conversions." The groups are also expected to seek contributions to the process from Muslim leaders, among others. "How can w ...

May 11, 2006

The Return of the Caliphate? An Ominous Warning

Now here's an interesting story: The Christian Science Monitor reports that some Muslims are pushing and planning for a re-establishment of the caliphate -- the rule of all Muslims under one transnational government. From the ariticle: Hizb ut-Tahr ...

May 10, 2006

The Two-Edged Sword of Medical Technology

The two-edged sword of advanced medical technology is evident in a story from today's edition of The Guardian [London]. According to the paper, some doctors are calling for a policy revision that would allow women with a family history of breast can ...

May 9, 2006

Church of England and British Doctors to Fight Euthanasia Bill

The Archbishop of Canterbury, senior officials of the Church of England, and a group of leading British physicians have announced plans to oppose a proposal to legalize "voluntary euthanasia" in Britain. As The Times [London] reports: Archbishop of ...

May 9, 2006

Contra-Contraception? An Article Worth Reading

Russell Shorto contributes the cover article for The New York Times Magazine this week -- and his article is sure to attract attention and controversy. In "Contra-Contraception," he looks at the emerging discussion and debate over birth control and s ...

May 8, 2006