We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
Oregon Gov. Kotek Declares March 10 Abortion Provider Appreciation Day: The Culture of Death is Paraded from the Governor’s Office
The Duchess of Sussex Issues Heartbreaking Message After Miscarriage: Another Recognition of the Intrinsic Value of Human Life from the Moment of Conception
Moral Opportunism in the Headlines in the Aftermath of Tragic Loss: A Lethal False Equivalence Between Abortion and Miscarriage
Those Who Consume Culture Are Never Unchanged by It: Hallmark and Hulu Employ the Holiday Rom-Com as a Tool for the Sexual Revolution
What a Difference One Justice Can Make: The Supreme Court Finally Steps Up to Defend Religious Liberty During the COVID-19 Pandemic
An Important Religious Freedom Case to Monitor from the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Christian Schools Challenge Governor’s Order Stopping In-Person Instruction
Who Will Defend Religious Liberty Going Forward in America? Will It Be An Issue Only for Believers? An Ominous Proposition
Biden Makes Crucial Appointments to His Cabinet: What Is the Worldview We See Reflected in These Choices?
General Services Administration Begins Formal Transition to Biden Administration: A Signal of America’s Continuing Responsibility to the Watching World
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Ends Special Pandemic Lending: A Rare Example of a ‘Temporary’ Government Program that Was (so far) Actually Temporary
Big Wins for Religious Liberty in Florida and the Sanctity of Human Life in Tennessee: A Reminder that Elections and the Federal Courts Matter
Do As I Say, Not As I Do? Why Personal Credibility Depends on Consistency
Andrew Cuomo to Be Awarded Emmy for COVID-19 Briefings? Seriously? Even the Mainstream Media Recognizes the Problem
One More Term as Speaker of the House for Nancy Pelosi? The Crucial Constitutional Importance of that Office
The ‘Usual Backup Plan?’ Mom. But Is it More Than Chauvinism We See?
A Fundamental Testimony of God’s Design for the Family: Study Shows Teenagers Have Benefitted from Family Relationships During Pandemic
The Last Children of Down Syndrome? A Troubling Denial of Human Dignity Not Only in Denmark, But in the U.S. As Well
U.S. Birth Rate Continues to Plummet: The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Accelerated a Problematic American Trend
“The Great Liberal Death Wish” — Why a Secular Worldview Leads to a Sterile Worldview
The Tectonic Plates in American Politics Are Shifting: Religious Liberty and the Coming Battle of Executive Orders
An Insidious Threat to Religious Institutions of Higher Learning: The Human Rights Campaign Gives Its List of Demands for a Biden Administration
Drag Queen Story Hour Crosses the Canadian Border: Is It a Big Deal or Not? Scripture Is Clear
Religious Freedom as America’s “Disfavored Right”? Justice Samuel Alito Delivers Remarkable Speech on the State of American Liberties
The Mainstream Media’s Response to Justice Alito’s Speech Is Not Shocking, But Quite Revealing
Why the Electoral College? Understanding the Architecture of the U.S. Constitution as Calls to Abolish the Electoral College Return Yet Again