We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
Oregon Gov. Kotek Declares March 10 Abortion Provider Appreciation Day: The Culture of Death is Paraded from the Governor’s Office
SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
Christians Must Point All Sinners to Christ, the Gospel, Holy Scripture, Sanctification, and Holiness — And Christ Alone is the Remedy For Our Sin
A Battle for Majority in the U.S. Senate: What’s at Stake in the Two Senate Run-Off Elections in Georgia?
The Far Left Makes Its Demands for a Potential Biden Administration: Radical Proposals Seem Almost Certain if Democrats Gain Senate Majority
The Future of Religious Liberty in America in Peril: Elections Have Consequences—Especially the Upcoming Senate Run-Offs in Georgia
Why Is It So Hard for Atheists to Get Voted in to Congress? A Good Question That Deserves a Good Answer
Is It Possible for an Atheist to Be Moral? Can Atheism Produce a True Morality? One Good Question Leads to Another
An Old and Evil Idea Reappears on a Public University Campus in California: Eugenics Is Alive and Becoming “Newgenics”
An Interesting Divergence of Worldviews within the Democratic Party: A Debate Among Democratic Members of Congress Breaks Into Open
A Troubling but Predictable Pattern as the Vatican “Clarifies” Pope’s Statement on Civil Unions: Pope Francis Liberalizes His Church Wink by Wink
A Change in the Dictionary Drives Change in the Culture: Oxford Dictionaries Alter Definition of “Woman” After Claims of Sexism
There Is No Middle Ground on Abortion: Why Is Abortion Being Framed in Terms of Equality and Inequality?
First Amendment Rights Trampled Upon by One University’s Student Government: A Pro-Life Student Group Would Create a “Hostile Environment”?
The ACLU Has Switched Teams: The Transgender Revolution Comes at an Enormous Cost and Female Athletes Are Paying the Price
What Does it Mean that the Associated Press has Called an Election? Probably More and Less Than Many Americans Think
Down-Ballot Republicans Outperformed Polling, Foiling Democrats’ Dreams: Biden Plans to Turn Swiftly to Executive Orders
Why Have the Polls Been Way Off for Two Straight Presidential Elections? Pollsters—Actually, the Entire Political Class—Don’t Know Where to Find Conservatives, and Maybe Don’t Care?
An Exercise in Direct Democracy in California — With Fascinating Results
Liberal Laws and Libertarian Instincts in California — Voters Speak on Affirmative Action and Ride-Share Apps
Residents of Illinois and California Turn Down Propositions to Raise Taxes: Clear Rejections of Over-Spending State Governments
The Time For Campaigning Is Over And Now We Wait: Thoughts on the Presidential Election as Every Vote Is Counted
Republicans Seem Likely to Hold the Senate Majority—What Will That Mean?
Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Religious Liberty Case: Why Is This Case So Important for the Future of Religious Freedom?
Election Day Has Come and Gone and the Results Aren’t Yet Clear: The Results Will Reveal the Outcome of the Arguments Made, and Lead to Arguments About to Be Made
An Unprecedented Reality: Businesses Boarded Up in Anticipation of Election Results—That Isn’t Worthy of the United States
The Whole World Is Waiting for the Results of the U.S. Presidential Election: A Reordering of World Relations Hangs in the Balance
Americans Are Going to the Polls Today—Well, At Least Some Americans Still Are: The Erosion of Election Day in the United States
Political Denominations? A Look at the Two-Party Political System in America
The Vitally Important Future of the U.S. Senate: Will There Be a One-Party Juggernaut Controlling the White House, Senate, and House?