We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
Oregon Gov. Kotek Declares March 10 Abortion Provider Appreciation Day: The Culture of Death is Paraded from the Governor’s Office
Here We Go Again? House Democrats Bring Article of Impeachment Against President Donald J. Trump
A Nonsensical Assault Upon Creation and the English Language: U.S. House of Representatives Adopts Rule Banning Gender-Specific Language
Is This the End of “It’s a Boy!” or “It’s a Girl!”? Prestigious Medical Journal Calls for the End of Sex Designations on Birth Certificates
The Story Is Only Getting Bigger: The Meaning of Last Week’s Invasion of the U.S. Capitol
What Are the Consequences? Thoughts on Sedition, Threats to Self-Government, and Moral Responsibility
An Explosive Question in Our Digital Age: Should Tech Giants Have the Power to Silence Users? Which Users?
Georgia Elects Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to the U.S. Senate: Big Moral, Political, and Theological Changes That Christians Should Be Watching
Many States Are Turning from Red to Blue . . . And Quickly: A Revealing Pattern about the Moral Landscape of the United States
Argentina Becomes the Largest Latin American Country to Legalize Abortion: The Secularization of Latin America Threatens Life in the Womb
A Serious Threat to America’s Constitutional Order: Why Christians Must Think Biblically about the Events That Took Place Yesterday in the Nation’s Capital
It’s Still True—Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely: The Danger of Autocracy and the Cult of Personality
A Fragile Moment in the American Experiment and the Christian Commitment to Order
What Does the Religious Composition of the 117th Congress Tell Us? A Lesson about the Importance of Moral Seriousness to the American People
If You Want to Change the Traditional Teachings of Your Church, Then You’re Not a Conservative—Even If You Call Yourself One
Is There a Second Coming of the Religious Left in American Politics? When Was There Even a First Coming?
How Does the Counting of Electors Actually Work and What Are the Worldview Issues at Stake? A Fascinating Story from American History That Just Collided with the American Present
The Presidential Election and the Verdict of History
The Power of the Presidential Pardon: Why Our Constitutional Founders Believed This Power Would Be Dangerous but Necessary
All Eyes Are on Georgia for Tomorrow’s Monumental Senate Run-Off Elections: The Consequences Will Be Dramatic and Enduring
Can You Be a Faithful Christian or Pastor and Support Abortion Rights? The Question Is Front and Center in Georgia’s Special Election
What Is the Christian Church’s Historic Position on the Sanctity of Human Life? The Church’s Conviction Is Resoundingly Against Abortion
Why Do Christians Celebrate Christmas? The Greatest Story of All Is True—Jesus Christ, Truly God and Truly Man, Is Born!
What Do the Accounts of Christ’s Birth in Matthew and Luke Tell Us about Our Savior? Understanding the Necessity of the Virgin Birth
Don’t Miss the Sweetness and Tenderness of Christmas This Year: Martin Luther on the Sentimentality of Christmas
The Trap of Intersectionality: There’s Much More to the Buttigieg Nomination Than What You Read in the Headlines
Hungary Is Now an Outlaw in the E.U. for Affirming that a Mother Is a Woman and a Father Is a Man — And If Hungary Is an Outlaw, Then So Is Your Church
The Sexual Revolution Wages Comprehensive War Against Creation and the Creator, Even in the Kingdom of Bhutan
William Barr to Resign as Attorney General: It Makes a Huge Difference Whether or Not You Believe in a Transcendent Moral Order Prior to Politics
Clear Changes in the American Political Landscape: What Do Those Changes Mean for America, the Mission Field?
A Reality Some Just Can’t Fathom: Some Major American Politicians Don’t Understand Those Who Vote Primarily Out of Moral Concern