We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
Oregon Gov. Kotek Declares March 10 Abortion Provider Appreciation Day: The Culture of Death is Paraded from the Governor’s Office
U.S. State Department Declares That China’s Oppression of Uyghurs Is Genocide: Why Is This Formal Declaration So Important?
The End of Girls’ Sports? The Transgender Revolution, Backed by the Biden Administration, Is on a Direct Collision Course with Female Athletics (And Much More)
Biden Administration Ends Ban on Transgender Military Service, But the Moral Revolution Demands Even More
62 Million Babies Have Been Aborted in the U.S. in the 48 Years Since Roe v. Wade: How Did Abortion Become Thinkable in American Culture?
President Biden Wants to Codify Roe v. Wade: Abortion as the Central Sacrament of Political Liberalism in the United States
Liberal Catholicism in the White House? What Is the Connection Between Liberal Theology and Liberal Political Views?
Liberal Religion Has Its Day? What Exactly Is Religious Liberalism?
Prayer in the Cathedral? Yesterday’s Interfaith Prayer Service and Its Message
President of U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Raises Urgent Concerns about President Biden’s Positions on Abortion and Other Moral Issues
Pope Changes Catholic Church’s Rules to Allow Women to Serve in Some Roles During Mass: Lessons for Evangelicals from the Controversy
What Is a Spiritual Director and What Kind of Spiritual Direction Do They Give? A Hybrid Approach Tailor-Made for a Postmodern Age
Who Can Give Definitive Answers about Life’s Biggest Questions? The Burgeoning Demand for Online Psychic Services During the Pandemic
How Does the American Inauguration of a President Compare to the British Coronation of a Monarch? It’s a Very Revealing Comparison
To What Should Christians—And Christian Parents in Particular—Pay Attention During Wednesday’s Inauguration? The Pageant of Democracy on Full Display
Should Christians Take a Public Oath? What is an Oath, Anyway?
Horrifying Honesty from the Culture of Death: Planned Parenthood Isn’t At All Embarrassed About Providing Abortions
Xavier Becerra’s Record Is Clear: The Incoming Secretary of Health and Human Services Targets Religious Non-Profits — And Religious Liberty
The Importance of Worldview Is Evident Everywhere, Even in the Obituary of a British Double Agent Who Betrayed the West to the Soviet Union — And Feared No Judgment
Will the Biden Administration—As Promised—Be the Most LGBTQ-Friendly Administration in American History?
An Historic London Church Affirms Commitment to Scripture While New Church of England Document Undermines Historic Christian Teaching
Truth May Be Lonely But It Nonetheless Remains True: The Church of England Attempts to Hold Irreconcilable Positions on Sexuality Simultaneously
We Are All Witnesses of History: U.S. House of Representatives Votes to Impeach President Donald J. Trump for Second Time
What’s the Big Deal about $1? The Supreme Court Hears Arguments in a Case with Nominal Monetary Value, but Huge Implications for Religious Liberty
New York State Is Facing a Serious Money Crisis: What Does It Mean That Lawmakers Are Turning to Expanded Gambling and Legalized Marijuana as Potential Solutions?
What Is Christian Nationalism and What Is the Danger? Understanding the Different Roles of the Church and Nations in God’s Plan
Bad Theology Is Everywhere, Even on the Front Page: There’s Great Value in Testing an Argument by Considering Alternative Contexts
Supreme Court Reinstates Restrictions on Access to Abortion Pills: The Court’s Conservative Majority Sends an Important Signal