SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Watch This Language Game and Recognize It
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Evaluating the Backlash to the Effects of Trump’s Executive Order on Gender
“Speak Your Truth”? Oprah’s Interview with Harry and Meghan Raises Huge Questions about the Nature of Truth
Drag King Story Hour is Next? Share the Stage, Drag Queens—Apparently We’re Now Living in the Time of “Drag Kings”
Pope Francis Visits Ur in Iraq and Media Talk About Unity Between the “Three Abrahamic Religions” — What Does That Mean? A Closer Look
Big Worldview Issues in Spending Bill: U.S. Senate Passes President Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill Along Party Lines
Scandals and Cover-ups in the Empire State: Andrew Cuomo Faces Demands to Resign After Sexual Harassment Allegations and Mishandling of Pandemic
Big Questions Deserve Answers: When Will President Biden Hold His First Major White House Press Conference?
Conflicting Visions on Issue of Abortion: Pro-Abortion Advocates Can’t Fathom Fetal Heartbeat Bills and Other Pro-Life Initiatives by “Abortion Absolutists”
A Perplexing Question for the Pro-Abortion Movement: How Could Poland Outlaw Abortions After So Much “Progress” on “Reproductive Rights” Issues in the European Union?
The 75th Anniversary of the Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech: A Reminder That Words Can Change the History of the World
Is Dr. Seuss Being Cancelled? Not Exactly — How Should Christians Think About Depictions of Fellow Image Bearers?
Cancel Culture, the Judgment of Successive Generations, and a Tale of Two Presidents: Dr. Seuss Removed from Read Across America Day
Shaping Young Hearts and Minds in a Loving Way: Why It’s So Important to Put Down the Smartphone and Pick Up a Good Book to Read to Your Children
Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Approved by U.S. for Emergency Use: How Should Pro-Life Christians Think about This Newest Vaccine?
We Can’t Escape Moral Responsibility: What Are the Moral and Theological Issues for Christians to Consider about the COVID-19 Vaccines?
An Irresolvable Conflict: The Biblical Worldview and the Modern Secular Worldview Hold Irreconcilable Positions on Transgender Ideology
The “Pivot” Away from Biblical Christianity — Bethany Christian Services Announces It Will Not Hold to Biblical Definition of Marriage
What Will You Do When the Culture Demands That You Pivot? The Pressure Continues to Increase for Every Christian Congregation, Ministry, and Institution
If You Control the Language, You Control the Culture: What the White House's New Vocabulary Tells Us about the Way a Revolution Works
Economic Decisions Reveal Worldviews in Action: House Passes President Biden’s $1.9 Trillion “Stimulus” Bill Mostly Along Party Lines
What’s Included in the Proposed Stimulus Bill? One Thing Is Certain: There’s a Lot of Pork and Planned Parenthood
What Is Modern Monetary Theory and What Do Christians Need to Know about This Economic Theory?
U.S. House of Representatives Passes the Equality Act: The Battle Between Religious Liberty and the Newly-Invented Rights of the Sexual Revolution Now Moves to the Senate
The Character of the Transgender Revolution Made Clear During Senate Confirmation Hearing for Doctor Nominated by President Biden
What Do Christians and Atheists Think about Authority, Loyalty, and Sanctity? The Moral and Theological Distinctions of the Christian and Atheistic Worldviews
Silencing Truth: Amazon Removes Book Critiquing Transgender Ideology by Conservative Author Ryan T. Anderson
An Urgent Threat to Unborn Life and Religious Liberty: In Confirmation Hearing, Xavier Becerra’s Real Agenda Becomes Very Clear
Gallup Releases New Research on Percentage of US Adults Who Identify as LGBTQ: What Should Christians Think about This New Report?
Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Two Churches for Affirmation of Homosexuality: Necessary and Proper Action to Defend the Clear Teaching of Scripture
Two Other Churches Disfellowshipped from Southern Baptist Convention for Employing Convicted Sex Offenders: Necessary and Proper Action to Defend the Flock of God
Important Insights from Nomination Hearings in the Senate This Week: Merrick Garland and Xavier Becerra Hearings Make the Intentions of the Biden Administration Crystal Clear