SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Watch This Language Game and Recognize It
‘My Passport Denies My Existence’: Evaluating the Backlash to the Effects of Trump’s Executive Order on Gender
Marijuana Policies Reveal the Nation’s Moral Confusion on Marijuana — and Ground Zero for the Confusion is the White House
Moral Confusion on the Marijuana Issue Is International — What We Learn by Looking at Recent Developments
Better Not Give this Cross-Stitch Book to Grandma — Controversy Over Foul-Language Feminist Cross-Stitch Book at Major Retailer
Senate Confirms Xavier Becerra as Secretary of Health and Human Services: What’s at Stake Concerning Religious Liberty, Abortion, and More?
Cohabitation Is a Growing Problem in Evangelical Churches? Why Christians Must Be Incredibly Clear—and Consistent—About What the Bible Teaches About Marriage and Sex
Are Humans Distinctly Different From Squirrels? Human Dignity Depends on Understanding the Distinction
8 People Killed in Tragic Shootings in Atlanta: What Do We Know? And What Should Christians Think about This Terrible Violence?
More Families Choose Homeschooling for the Future: An Important and Unexpected Development from the Pandemic
How Did Nearly $3 Billion for Private Schools Get Included in the Latest Stimulus Bill? The Answer May Surprise You
“The Determination Will Have to Be Made”— The Equality Act Threat According to Its Own Lead Sponsor
Where Does the Equal Rights Amendment Now Stand? How Can You Resurrect a Proposed Constitutional Amendment That Officially Expired Decades Ago?
A Symbolic and Telling Event in the History of American Entertainment: Video Rental Stores, Technology, and the Seduction of Sin
The Vatican Announces That the Roman Catholic Church Cannot Bless Same-Sex Unions: A Closer Look at an Important Argument about What Christians Can and Cannot Bless
As Their Churches Shrink, Many German Bishops Want to Liberalize the Roman Catholic Church: How Does the German Government Subsidize Global Theological Liberalism?
If You Buy Into the “Right” of Physician-Assisted Suicide, Then You’ll Accept the Entire Sequence: Christians Must Eagerly Affirm the Sanctity and Dignity of Every Single Human Life
The Normalization of Polygamy: Cambridge, Massachusetts, Will Legalize Polyamorous Relationships
Is the Family Merely Forged by Choice? The Destabilization and Subversion of the Biblical Family
Recognizing the Essential Nature of the Family: Rebelling Against the Structure of Creation Is a Recipe for Disaster
The U.S. Government Has Written a Check It Can’t Back: President Biden Signs $1.9 Trillion “Stimulus” Bill Into Law
Our Hyper-Partisan Age: There’s a Conflict Between Two Deeply Rooted Worldviews and Everything from Economics to Morality Will Be Affected
The New Pseudo-Religion of Instagram Influencers: Exploring the Intersection of Social Justice Activism and the Wellness Cult
A Controversy in Chile Over Failed Birth Control Pills? A Major Headline Raises a Timely Question — What Have Christians Believed about Birth Control Throughout History?
Exporting Abortion: Examining the Clear Intent to “Galvanize” the Pro-Abortion Movement in Latin America and Around the World
Why Would Some Jews Oppose an Anti-Semitism Resolution from the Kentucky State Legislature? The Controversy Deserves a Closer Look
Does $1 Really Matter? In 8-1 Ruling, the Supreme Court Supports the Validity of Lawsuits Seeking Only Symbolic Monetary Damages
$17,000 Electricity Bills in Texas? Are Americans Given Too Many Choices Today? A Look at the Nature, Necessity, and Morality of Consumer Choice
The Wisdom of Repugnance: An Important Theological and Moral Insight from the Human Impulse of Disgust