Canada’s New Prime Minister: Mark Carney Will Take Over in Place of Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada
President Trump is Raising Legitimate Concerns About Canada – But as Legitimate as Those Concerns Are, Americans Should Be Thankful for Our Neighbors to the North
Crime, Punishment, and a Firing Squad: The Demand of Justice Falls on Murderer in South Carolina
Politics, Partisanship, and Performance Art in a Social Media Age: President Trump’s Historic Joint Address to Congress
Neon Tape, a Padlock, and a Little Library: 4 College Students in California Turn a A Little Library into Performance Art over Book Bans – Book Bans That Don’t Even Exist
Why Is Society Changing So Quickly? The Domination of Progressive Politics and Morality in American Public Life
President Biden Brings His Moral Judgment Down on Georgia — Major League Baseball, Delta, and Coca-Cola Follow Suit
What Does the Controversy about M.L.B.’s All-Star Game Tell Us About Who Is Driving Change in Society and Where the Society Is Headed?
Delivered Up for Our Transgressions and Raised for Our Justification: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as Center of Christian Belief
He Is Risen, Indeed: The Reality of the Resurrection of Christ and the Arrival of the Age of Salvation
What Is the Cost of Not Believing the Gospel Truth Claims of the Christian Worldview?
President Biden Unveils $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan, And It’s About Far More Than Roads and Bridges
A Crystalized Effort to Coerce Moral Change in America: Biden Administration Celebrates Transgender Day of Visibility with New Military Policies
Why Would the New York Times Give Three Pages to a Sensationalized Story about Long-Lost Fragments of Deuteronomy Long Ago Identified As Forgeries?
Religious Colleges and Universities Targeted by Class Action Suit Brought Against Department of Education
The LGBTQ Revolutionaries Demand Complete Compliance in Order to Silence the Christian Argument in the Public Square
The Question Remains — Will Christian Institutions Be Allowed to Operate According to Christian Convictions?
Church Membership Keeps Declining in the United States: What Does The Generational Trend of Secularization Tell Us?
Is Unbelief Being Passed on from Generation to Generation in Britain? Observers Claim that the UK is Now Truly Post-Christian
New Words, New Moral Reality: How Changes in Language Point to More Fundamental Moral Changes in Society
The Ever Given, Along with Global Trade, Is Stuck in the Mud of the Suez Canal: A Parable of the Modern Age
The Fascinating History of the Suez Canal: How a 120-Mile Canal Changed the World
Don’t Miss the Theology in the Headlines: Yearnings for Forgiveness and Grace — In a College Classroom
What Happens When Identity Politics Takes Hold of a Political Party? A Progressive Ultimatum from Two U.S. Senators
The Standards Keep Changing: Army Changes Fitness Test Standards to Ensure Women Can Qualify for Combat
Should Women Be Required to Register for the Draft? The Biblical Distinctions Between Males and Females
10 People Killed in Murderous Attack in Boulder, Colorado: How Should Christians Think about Such a Terrible, Moral Evil?
The Grocery Store as a Symbol of American Life: Understanding the Role of the Economy of Trust in America
They’re Coming for Oral Roberts University, And That Means They’re Coming for You Too
Kristi Noem Disappoints in South Dakota: Why Did the Republican Governor Veto a Bill Banning Transgender Participants in Women’s Sports That She Pledged to Support?
Is the Christian View of Marriage Irrational? Japanese Court Declares There Is No Rational Basis for Defining Marriage as Between One Man and One Woman
Gavin Newsom Faces Recall Challenge in California, Setting Up a Potential Political Free-For-All
Marijuana Policies Reveal the Nation’s Moral Confusion on Marijuana — and Ground Zero for the Confusion is the White House
Moral Confusion on the Marijuana Issue Is International — What We Learn by Looking at Recent Developments
Better Not Give this Cross-Stitch Book to Grandma — Controversy Over Foul-Language Feminist Cross-Stitch Book at Major Retailer