Trump’s Two-Gender Policy Makes It to the Department of Health and Human Services – And That Starts at the Top with Secretary Kennedy
Jackie, Shadow, and Their 3 Chicks: The Glory of God in Creation Evident in the Lives of a Bald Eagle Family
Can You Solve a Doctrinal Dispute Between Me and My Boyfriend About Following Your Heart? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 19-Year-Old Listener of The Briefing
We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
Christians Must Point All Sinners to Christ, the Gospel, Holy Scripture, Sanctification, and Holiness — And Christ Alone is the Remedy For Our Sin
In striking down excessive fines and asset forfeiture, Supreme Court unanimously re-establishes basic principle of constitutional self-government
Pro-abortion movement opposes legislation banning abortion based on rage, gender, and disability, sparking debate over eugenics
Regardless of what one Kentucky politician claims, if you support Roe v. Wade, you are not pro-life
The intersection of transgender theory and modern sport: Gay athlete speaks out against ‘cheating’ trans athletes
So much for LGBTQ: How transgenderism undermines the gay rights movement
Reinvention of sport? What argument for creation of new, female-focused sports reveals about our culture
How France's National Assembly is changing the way its citizens talk about parenthood, and is redefining the family in the process
“A person’s a person, no matter how small” even when that person is a frozen human embryo
Congress wants to keep ‘God’ in daily prayers: What this tells us about politics, atheism, and American history
As pregnancy progresses, women become happier: A powerful pro-life statement in the pages of the New York Times
What happens when the LGBTQ agenda collides with the United States prison system?
Transgenderism takes flight: Airlines scramble to meet the demands of the gender revolutionaries
Unbridled liberal ambition: How the ‘Green New Deal’ packages every dream of the American left in one single proposal
The reality of the ecological crisis and and the rational contours of the Christian worldview
Truth, morality, and politics: No matter what our cause, Christians must be people who always affirm the truth
The reality of sexual abuse hits home: A massive investigative report on sexual abuse in Southern Baptist Convention
How did this happen? History, church order, and a moral crisis collide
Supreme Court and abortion: A recent decision, the question of momentum, and the sanctity of human life in America