Trump’s Two-Gender Policy Makes It to the Department of Health and Human Services – And That Starts at the Top with Secretary Kennedy
Jackie, Shadow, and Their 3 Chicks: The Glory of God in Creation Evident in the Lives of a Bald Eagle Family
Can You Solve a Doctrinal Dispute Between Me and My Boyfriend About Following Your Heart? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 19-Year-Old Listener of The Briefing
We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
Christians Must Point All Sinners to Christ, the Gospel, Holy Scripture, Sanctification, and Holiness — And Christ Alone is the Remedy For Our Sin
Just months after reinstating a ban on romantic LGBT relationships, Azusa Pacific University once again strays from the historic Christian understanding of romance
Azusa Pacific tries to affirm irreconcilable positions: Why condoning LGBT romantic relationships necessarily implies condoning LGBT sexual relationships
How Azusa Pacific’s policy reversal reminds us that every Christian institution will have to choose whether to face the consequences of not surrendering to the sexual revolution or of abandoning Christian convictions
Clarence Thomas back in the news: constitutional interpretation, precedent, the importance of understanding and applying the original meaning of a text.
Do bad people deserve good lawyers? The political left is marching onward, leaving Ronald Sullivan behind: How the Harvard Law School professor became the latest focus of moral outrage
Is social media really social? A new study reveals a correlation between teen loneliness and social media engagement
How four new laws in Kentucky help reveal the horrifying arguments that pro-abortion advocates are making
There is no middle ground on abortion: Why trying to compromise on the sanctity of human life is completely irrational when the opposing views are considered
Should we have fewer children for the sake of the earth? Why the Christian worldview welcomes every single human being as an image bearer of God
When Horror Strikes: Mass terrorist attack in New Zealand leaves the island nation and the world shocked in the face of profound loss and unquestionable depravity
How the role social media played in the New Zealand terror attack reveals the fading distinction between online extremism and realized evil
In times of tragedy like this, Christians must understand our unequivocal call to “weep with those who weep”
Academic cheating in the news, but this time it’s by the parents, not the students: How human sinfulness inevitably shows itself in all institutions
‘We must change almost everything in our current societies’: 16-year-old Swedish girl explodes onto world stage as climate change advocate
The vantage point of adolescent advocates of social issues: Why what is happening right now is often what youth consider to be the most critical event in history
Coming to a school near you? The reality of 'comprehensive sex education'
Aiming to go around parents: The great lie presented as a parental notification and 'opt out' in many sex education programs
Utah legalizes fornication: How a recent bill reveals that every law seeks to govern morality
Virtue signaling in the marketplace: Why businesses try to keep up with the changing opinions of the sexual revolution
What do we do with our minds? Why many secular Americans are turning to Buddhist mindfulness
Mindful mayonnaise and yoga pants? The danger of critiquing the big business of the mindfulness culture
What happens in California doesn’t stay in California: If you want to see a glimpse into America’s political future, look to the West Coast
The vast worldview divide in America on display: Why it’s more difficult to pass actual legislation than support general policy ideas
Controversy over a Catholic school’s recent decision reveals much about religious liberty and the precursor of the same-sex revolution