Trump’s Two-Gender Policy Makes It to the Department of Health and Human Services – And That Starts at the Top with Secretary Kennedy
Jackie, Shadow, and Their 3 Chicks: The Glory of God in Creation Evident in the Lives of a Bald Eagle Family
Can You Solve a Doctrinal Dispute Between Me and My Boyfriend About Following Your Heart? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 19-Year-Old Listener of The Briefing
We are About to Find Out What Vladimir Putin Really Wants: If Putin Wants Peace, He Will Accept the Ceasefire Accepted by Ukraine as Presented by the U.S.
Russia Will Continue to be a Threatening Force on the World Scene – For Reasons Deeply Rooted in History, Geography, and Civilizational Patterns
SCOTUS Takes Up Conversion Therapy Case from Colorado: There is More to the Case Than Many Admit — Including a Word Game to Target Christian Conviction
Christians Must Point All Sinners to Christ, the Gospel, Holy Scripture, Sanctification, and Holiness — And Christ Alone is the Remedy For Our Sin
What qualifies as a legitimate government? On of brink becoming failed state, crisis escalates in Venezuela
For the first time in a decade, Supreme Court to take up gun rights case. What are the constitutional and moral issues at stake?
Turning creation upside down: While every single human life is sacred, not every means of bringing about reproduction is morally right
Meet Lady Gaga, the theologian: Pop star joins shaming of Karen Pence for teaching at Christian school
Is sexuality a choice or are people ‘born this way’? Why even secular people making secular claims cannot avoid theological arguments
Can people change? As New York bans conversion therapy, sexual revolutionaries can’t keep their stories straight
What is beauty? The secular world is stumped when it comes to explaining beauty found in creation
Beauty meets identity politics: The danger of contemporary politics being inserted into our art museums
Why there is no independent, politically-neutral ground on which anyone, fact-checker or otherwise, can stand
With a history of supporting border barriers, why is the political left now so opposed to such a measure?
After controversy surrounding Women’s March, crowds dwindle and fractures are exposed
The battle over language in the March for Life: Why ‘pro-life’ is buried in a news story but ‘antiabortion’ screams from the headlines
Everything comes back to the sexual and moral revolution...even shaving products
Even when his intention is distorted, the glory of God continues to shine through in men and women
Why a feature story in the New York Times about gay penguins confuses something that is abundantly clear in nature
Outrage from the sexual revolutionaries as Second Lady Karen Pence will teach at school that affirms historic Christian teachings on sexual ethics
Parental rights, religious liberty, and homeschooling: Why it’s dangerous and unsustainable to ground fundamental rights in a secular worldview
Why divorce is never as smooth as the Bezos announcement tries to makes it appear
Brexit fallout continues: Historic defeat in Parliament as vote fails and Theresa May faces no confidence vote
What’s at stake in confirmation hearings for President Trump’s nominee for Attorney General?
Another federal judge blocks religious liberty exemption for contraception mandate, setting up an even more high-stakes legal battle
As House leaders strip Steve King of committee assignments, Christians must be clear that there is no place for any argument for racial superiority
Deep moral divide revealed by court battle over exemption to Obamacare contraceptive mandate
Sexual revolution marches onward, this time in California’s new framework for sexual education
Even with their promise, are reproductive technologies compatible with human dignity?
A new category of gender disappointment: Why some parents are traumatically disappointed after gender reveal parties
As public school districts allows students to register with ‘non-binary’ gender option, a major bureaucratic disconnect is exposed