
Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17, 2025

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Fifty Shades of Shame — The Evolution of Pornography

The release of the Fifty Shades of Grey movie, timed for Valentine's Day, is a more important and lamentable event than many Christians may realize. What the movie represents is nothing less than the evolution of pornography in an age increasingly di ...

February 13, 2015

The Briefing 01-20-15

Podcast Transcript 1) President’s State of the Union valuable learning opportunity for families State of the Union 2015: Will there be any surprises?, Politico (Kendall Breitman) Do we even need a State of the Union address anymore?, Washing ...

January 20, 2015

The Briefing 09-03-14

Podcast Transcript 1) Letter from clergy decrying U.S. military response to Islamic State underestimates human sinfulness Islamic State issues video of beheading of U.S. hostage, Reuters (William MacLean) Christian leaders call for end to US ...

September 3, 2014

The Briefing 11-08-13

1) Pray for Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan one of most dangerous and powerful in human history Super Typhoon, Haiyan, Heads for Central Philippines, CNN (Jethro Mullen) Philippines Braces for Typhoon Haiyan, BBC News Typhoon Haiyan approachin ...

November 8, 2013

The Briefing 10-31-13

1) Christians must consider moral, ethical, and religious implications of Halloween Christianity and the Dark Side—What about Halloween?, Is Halloween a Witches' Brew?, Christianity Today (Harold L. Myra) 2) Public schools r ...

October 31, 2013

The Briefing 10-28-13

1) The pornification of Hollywood is a matter of survival - If you are not a scandal, you become no one. The new norm in Hollywood? Hypersexed, USA Today (Ann Oldenburg and Arienne Thompson) When Celebrity Sex Videos Are Rated Y (for Yawn), New ...

October 28, 2013

The Briefing 10-17-13

1) Debt deal another exercise in artificial politics  At 11th Hour, G.O.P. Blinks in Standoff, New York Times (Jonathan Weisman and Jennifer Steinhauer) Senate Leaders Reach Bipartisan Deal, Wall Street Journal (Kristina Peterson and Janet Hook ...

October 17, 2013

How Pornography Works: It Hijacks the Male Brain

We are fast becoming a pornographic society. Over the course of the last decade, explicitly sexual images have crept into advertising, marketing, and virtually every niche of American life. This ambient pornography is now almost everywhere, from the ...

October 9, 2013

The Briefing 09-27-13

1) Real crisis isn't looming fed shutdown - real crisis is unwillingness to deal with economic problems House G.O.P. Leaders List Conditions for Raising Debt Ceiling, New York Times (Jonathan Weisman and Ashley Parker) Boehner Weighs GOP Option ...

September 27, 2013

The Briefing 09-25-13

1) Obama may get a low grade in Syria, but he deserves a much higher grade in Iran America, Russia and Syria, The Economist 2) As an atheist, what do you say to the grieving? Not much.  Grieving as an atheist: a surprising dilemma, The Guard ...

September 25, 2013

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