Americans and the News... The World of Bricks and Clicks... The Pope Beatifies a Cardinal... A Call for Heathen Republicans... Yoga Strikes a Nerve... And Newsweek looks at Men ...
Secularism in Europe... Religion in Politics... Why the Public Schools can't be fixed... Why the United Nations flirt with Abortion... Why some Married Couples say I Do..Again... And why some Women think they are Priests ...
Writing at The Los Angeles Times, Professor Michael Klarman of the Harvard Law School argues that American presidents often do not get far ahead of public opinion on controversial matters -- especially on matters of moral combat. In making his case, ...
Some questions we ask today would simply baffle our ancestors. When Christians ask whether believers should practice yoga, they are asking a question that betrays the strangeness of our current cultural moment -- a time in which yoga seems almost mai ...
Craig's List says no to Sex Ads... France tries to raise the Retirement Age... The Pope confronts Secularism in Scotland... Colleges go back to Dress Code... And a Mom considers when to curse... ...
What is the church's role and responsibility on the issue of marriage in a time of revolution and social turmoil? We discussed this question in a panel format today. I was joined by guests Dr. Russell Moore, Pastor Eric Bancroft, and Dr. Barrett Duke ...
France bans the Burqa... Ontario discovers Sharia Law... Woody Allen dismisses Faith... The Pope goes to Britain... And John F. Kennedy gives a Speech ...
On September 12, 1960, Sen. John F. Kennedy, the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States, went to Texas and addressed the Greater Houston Ministerial Alliance. The background to Kennedy's speech was ardent opposition to his Ca ...
Just who is a Family?... Colleges go on a spending spree... Employers look to state schools... Religions debate guilt... A Scientist says I'm not a moron... A prominent evolutionist dies... And Britain turns the tide on the Third Reich ...