And so, you graduate. The Seminary Lawn is filled with hundreds of graduates, faculty, family, and friends. Everyone is playing his or her part. Parents are proud, spouses are glad, friends are happy, and a good number of infants are hungry. The facu ...
1. Controversies embroil President Obama and threaten his agenda Controversies Threaten President's Agenda, Wall Street Journal (Peter Nicholas and Janet Hook) A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting, Wall Street Journal (James Bovard) 2. ...
1. Gosnell's America - He is not the only one with blood on his hands Abortion stigma created Gosnell, USA Today (Vicki Saporta)Harry Reid: Kermit Gosnell proves need for legal abortion, Politico (Ginger Gibson) Kermit Gosnell’s America — What Hi ...
The doctor is a murderer. The trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell ended yesterday, with the infamous abortion doctor convicted of three counts of first degree murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter. The doctor's abortion clinic, described by a Phil ...
1. Gosnell Murder Conviction - the atrocity, not of just one clinic, but of abortion everywhere Jury Convicts Abortion Provider Kermit Gosnell of Murder, The Washington Post (Brady Dennis) Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Gosnell Convicted of Murder, T ...
1. Federal judge continues to defend Plan B access without restriction, prescription, or supervision Judge again rejects limits on emergency contraception, Los Angeles Times (Monte Morin)Judge Refuses to Drop His Order Allowing Morning-After Pill fo ...
1. Hiding behind "Science" - The Emergency Contraception Controversy Sneering at Parents, Hiding Behind “Science” — The Emergency Contraception Controversy, (Dr. Albert Mohler)Prude or prudent? The debate over access to Plan B, Wash ...
1. Another New England state legalizes gay marriage - a reminder of the difference geography makes Delaware, Continuing a Trend, Becomes the 11th State to Allow Same-Sex Unions, The New York Times (Erik Eckholm)The Middle Man, The New Yorker (Ryan L ...
Looking for evidence that our society is losing its mind? Just look at the controversy over so-called "emergency contraceptives" and a federal judge's effort to make these drugs available, over the counter, to girls of any age. Last month, Judge E ...
1. Relief in Cleveland reminder of global sex slavery problem Three Women Reunited with Families After Years of Captivity CNN (Michael Pearson and Martin Savidge) Reports of sexual abuse, beatings inside the Cleveland house, USA Today (Yamiche Alci ...