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February 21, 2025

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The Briefing 08-07-13

1. Washington DC legalizes gender change on birth certificate without surgery Making it easier for transgender people to get new birth certificates, Los Angeles Times (Alexei Koseff) 2. Print media in US in trouble as several major publications ...

August 7, 2013

Books for a Summer Season — Some Recommended Reading

Serious readers tend to read by season. A worthy book is ripe for the reading in any season, but winter seems to privilege the weightier volumes over those that seem to be more easily set aside for reading in a more opportune season. Summer is that s ...

June 7, 2013

The Briefing 05-16-13

1. Controversies embroil President Obama and threaten his agenda Controversies Threaten President's Agenda, Wall Street Journal (Peter Nicholas and Janet Hook) A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting, Wall Street Journal (James Bovard) 2. ...

May 16, 2013

The Briefing 03-28-13

Story 1 - DOMA faces tough scrutiny in Supreme Court hearings Justices Seem Set to End U.S. Ban on Benefits to Gay Spouses, New York Times (Adam Liptak and Peter Baker) Courting Cowardice, New York Times (Maureen Dowd) Supreme Court should ...

March 28, 2013

Rest in Print, Britannica: An Elegy for an Encyclopedia

And then they were no more. Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. announced Tuesday that it would no longer offer its venerable reference set in a printed edition. Western Civilization just took another hard blow to the chin. "It's a rite of passage in t ...

March 19, 2012

Total Capitulation: The Evangelical Surrender of Truth

Evangelical Christians are not surprised to find themselves analyzed and criticized within the pages of the secular press. After all, the truth claims that characterize authentic evangelicalism are increasingly seen as unusual (and perhaps even dange ...

October 25, 2011

A New Third Way? Reformist Evangelicals and the Evangelical Future

Who is and is not an evangelical? With whom should evangelicals cooperate in gospel efforts, and with whom not? Which theological expressions are truly evangelical, and which are beyond the pale? These questions are central to the ongoing crisis of ...

September 26, 2011

What Makes Evangelicalism Evangelical? A New Book Joins the Argument

The evangelical movement in America emerged in the twentieth century as conservative Protestants sought to perpetuate an intentional continuity with biblical Christianity. While the roots of the movement can be traced through centuries prior to its e ...

September 6, 2011

The Trial that Still Must Come — The Death of Osama bin Laden and the Limits of Human Justice

Osama bin Laden is dead. President Obama spoke with clarity and resolution when he addressed the American people last night: "Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed ...

May 2, 2011

The Only Game in Town? Richard Dawkins and the Limits of Reason

Evolution by natural selection is "the only game in town, the greatest show on Earth," asserts Richard Dawkins. We have come to expect claims like this from Richard Dawkins, perhaps the most famous defender of Darwinian evolution alive today. Unlike ...

April 6, 2011

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