The Briefing 05-16-13
1. Controversies embroil President Obama and threaten his agenda
Controversies Threaten President’s Agenda, Wall Street Journal (Peter Nicholas and Janet Hook)
A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting, Wall Street Journal (James Bovard)
2. The threat of same-sex marriage to religious groups
Gay Marriage in Minnesota, Wall Street Journal (Matthew Payne)
Brazilian Court Council Removes a Barrier to Same-Sex Marriage, New York Times (Simon Romero)
3. Fifty Shades of Grey drives record e-book sales
E-Book Sales a Boon to Publishers in 2012, New York Times (Julie Bosman)
4. Vermont legalizes assisted suicide
Lawmakers in Vermont Approve Assisted Suicide, Wall Street Journal (Jacob Gershman)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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