
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

March 11, 2025

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Homosexuality Archives

The Briefing 02-13-14

1) Kentucky Federal Judge overturns will of the people on same-sex marriage The Other Shoe Drops in Kentucky: Federal Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth, AlbertMohler.com Kentucky ban on gay marriages from other states struck ...

February 13, 2014

The Briefing 01-29-14

1) Where will the Church of England stand when the UK legalizes gay marriage? Bishops must reject these wicked homophobic views, The Guardian (Andrew Brown) 2) Africa must be "liberated from literal interpretation of the Bible" COMMENTARY: T ...

January 29, 2014

The Briefing 01-28-14

1) The significance and history of the State of the Union address Obama Pursuing a Modest Agenda in State of Union, New York Times (Peter Baker) Democrats Debate How to Discuss Inequality Ahead of Obama Speech, Wall Street Journal (Colleen McCa ...

January 28, 2014

The Briefing 01-24-14

1) Elections have consequences: Virginia Attorney General won't defend same-sex marriage ban Even in Death, Abortion Politics Never Goes Away, New Yorker (Jeffrey Toobin and Ben Margot) Virginia won't defend its same-sex marriage ban, USA Today ...

January 24, 2014

The Briefing 01-23-14

1) True Income Inequality: Married family poverty level 7.5%. Those with single mother: 33.9% How to Fight Income Inequality: Get Married, Wall Street Journal (Ari Fleischer) Commentary: Mother of four is a mess? So, where are the fathers? Palm ...

January 23, 2014

The Briefing 01-20-14

1) Virginia on the front lines of same-sex marriage debate Va. Quickly Emerging as Key in Gay Marriage Fight, Associated Press (Steve Szkotak) 2) Arguments over same-sex marriage reveal a difference of authority Gay marriage ban: The case fo ...

January 20, 2014

The Briefing 01-17-14

1) Bothered by sex outside of heterosexual marriage? Cultural elites say you just need to "deal with it" Sex Is Not Our Problem, New York Times (Charles M. Blow) 2) Next frontier in fertility treatment? Transgender men. The Next Frontier in ...

January 17, 2014

The Briefing 01-15-14

1. Federal judge in Oklahoma lifts ban on same-sex marriage but puts a hold on own decision Federal judge rules Oklahoma's same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional, Washington Post (Juliet Eilperin) 2. President of Nigeria bans same-sex marriage ...

January 15, 2014

The Briefing 01-09-14

1. Utah at the center of marriage battle as polygamy becomes "the next frontier" Polygamy as Lifestyle Choice, and a Reality TV Brand, New York Times (John Schwartz) Thanks to the 'Sister Wives' lawsuit and the end of morality laws, Washingto ...

January 9, 2014

The Briefing 01-07-14

1. Same Sex Marriage in 2013: A Review On sex, drugs and spying: The surprises of 2013, USA Today (Susan Page) Justices' Halt to Gay Marriage Leaves Utah Couples in Limbo, New York Times (Adam Liptak and Jack Healy) 2. Little Sisters of th ...

January 7, 2014

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