The Briefing 03-05-14
1. Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood President, says “life begins at delivery”
Cecile Richards on When Life Begins, Fusion
Planned Parenthood president: Start of life not ‘really relevant’ to abortion discussions, Washington Times (Douglas Ernst)
2. Disney denies Boy Scouts support due to homosexuality policy
Disney won’t fund Boy Scouts over gay policy, USA Today (Associated Press)
Disney digs in on gay rights, Orange County Register (Sarah Tully, Art Marroquin, and David Ferrell)
3. Governor says California may not stay competitive if marijuana legalized and “people are stoned”
California governor unsure legal pot is good plan, Associated Press
4. Chinese moment of silence indication of sanctity of life
Survivors Recall Carnage and Terror in China Rampage, Wall Street Journal (Chuin-Wei Yap)

R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
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