Liberal parents, conservative sons

Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...

March 3, 2025

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What Makes Abortion Plausible? What Makes Abortion Unthinkable?, Part One

The following is an edited transcript of a message preached by R. Albert Mohler, Jr. for "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" on January 18, 2009. Today's installment is the first of a six-part series. I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, th ...

January 23, 2009

A Prayer for President Obama

Our Father, Lord of all creation, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:  We pray today with a sense of special urgency and responsibility.  We come before you to pray for our new President, Barack Obama, and for all those in this new administration who no ...

January 20, 2009

The “American Experience” and the Death of Evangelism

Every culture and civilization embraces a certain set of assumptions about life, truth, significance, and what it means to be human.  Without these shared assumptions, common life would be impossible.  Individuals within these societies may not give ...

January 16, 2009

The Idol of Our Many Understandings — Bishop Robinson at Prayer

President-elect Barack Obama promised to make his inaugural events the most inclusive ever -- and he is making good on his promise.  Just over two weeks after gay rights activists condemned his choice of Saddleback pastor Rick Warren to deliver the i ...

January 14, 2009

Sex and the Seminary?

The release of a report entitled "Sex and the Seminary" is certain to attract attention -- which is no doubt why the report was produced in the first place.  In this case, the report is an attempt to push the sexual revolution through institutions de ...

January 13, 2009

Most Americans would probably be surprised to know that Sen. Edward Kennedy, Jesse Jackson, and former Vice President Al Gore all were once solidly anti-abortion.  That seems almost incomprehensible now, but the record is clear -- and the pattern is ...

January 9, 2009

Atheists Play Their Hand — Probability

The news first broke last year, when atheists in Great Britain announced the intention to put their message on London's famous city buses.  Atheist celebrities including Richard Dawkins and A. C. Grayling joined the campaign and enjoyed the publicity ...

January 7, 2009

The Suburbs — Hollywood Image and Mission Reality

America is a nation transformed by demographics.  Flash back just over a century and a majority of Americans live on farms and in rural settings.  Today, a clear majority of Americans live in metropolitan settings.  Cities are now surrounded by vast ...

January 6, 2009

For Goodness Sake?

Just before the end of 2008, the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released a report indicating that a significant percentage of American evangelicals reject the biblical claim that Jesus is the only way of salvation.  According to the report, ...

January 5, 2009

Ten for the History Books from 2008

The year 2008 began with the anticipation that history would be made, and on that count the year certainly did not disappoint.  Nevertheless, the year unfolded with more surprises than usual.  The intellectual task of reviewing a year is always fasci ...

December 30, 2008