Liberal parents, conservative sons

Young men are turning to conservatism—in politics and in Christianity They didn’t see this coming. Liberals in America are scratching their heads t...

March 3, 2025

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Can a Christian Deny the Virgin Birth?

Can a true Christian deny the virgin birth? This question would perplex the vast majority of Christians throughout the centuries, but modern denials of biblical truth make the question tragically significant. Of all biblical doctrines, the doctrine o ...

December 23, 2008

The High Cost of Being (and Staying) Cool — Rick Warren in a Whirlwind

Pastor Rick Warren now stands at ground zero of a whirlwind, and he is likely to be there for some time. The announcement that President-elect Obama had chosen him to deliver the invocation at the inaugural ceremonies on January 20 came with formali ...

December 19, 2008

Many Paths to Heaven?

Are American evangelicals abandoning the exclusivity of the Gospel? A new report out from the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life suggests that many evangelical Christians are, at the very least, badly confused about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ...

December 18, 2008

Faith Equals Fertility?

A growing number of researchers and observers are beginning to take note of a huge demographic reality -- those who take belief in God most seriously tend to have more babies. For many years, the conventional wisdom has held that demography determine ...

December 17, 2008

NPR’s “Talk of the Nation” — The Real Issues in the Newsweek Debate

The controversy over the recent Newsweek cover story, "A Religious Case for Gay Marriage," continues. See here for my initial analysis of Miller's article. I appeared on National Public Radio's "Talk of the Nation" program yesterday, along with Lisa ...

December 16, 2008

How to Use a Study Bible

One of the most memorable purchases I made as a teenager was The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible in its original King James Version edition, complete with blue leather cover. I still have it, of course, though it now finds itself surrounded by a host ...

December 15, 2008

As One With Authority

In 1971, just six years after being invited to teach New Testament and preaching at the Graduate Seminary of Phillips University, Fred Craddock put his thoughts on preaching into a book. That book, As One Without Authority, launched something of a re ...

December 12, 2008

Do Natural Boundaries Tell Us Anything?

A woman in India is reported now to be the "world's oldest mom," giving birth to a baby at age 70. Rajo Devi of Alewa, India gave birth to a baby girl last week. She, along with her 72 year-old husband, had been hoping for a baby for a half-century. ...

December 11, 2008

The Secularization of the Church

Secularization is the process by which a society becomes more and more distant from its Christian roots.  Though the formal sociological theory is more complicated than that, the essence of secularization is the fact that the culture no longer depend ...

December 10, 2008

Turning the Bible on its Head — Newsweek Goes for Gay Marriage

Newsweek magazine, one of the most influential news magazines in America, has decided to come out for same-sex marriage in a big way, and to do so by means of a biblical and theological argument.  In its cover story for this week, "The Religious Case ...

December 8, 2008