The death of a president

The life and legacy of Jimmy Carter James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of the United States, died Sunday at his home in Plains, Ga., at age ...

January 30, 2025

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Focus on the Family Interview Today — Atheism Remix

I was honored to talk with Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family about my recent book, Atheism Remix.  The interview is broadcast today on the "Focus on the Family" radio program, which Dr. Dobson hosts. It was a good conversation about h ...

February 23, 2009

The Divine Egotist — Is God Arrogant, Selfish, or Megalomaniacal?

Is the God of the Bible the supreme egotist?  That question arises when human beings contemplate the meaning of the truth that God does everything for the sake of his own glory.  Is God then a megalomaniac? Human beings are trapped in a human frame ...

February 20, 2009

The Palin Parable — Bristol Says Abstinence “Not Realistic At All”

Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old daughter of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, made headlines last summer when it was revealed that she was about to become an unwed mother.  On December 27, she gave birth to a baby boy named Tripp.  Now, Bristol Palin is ba ...

February 19, 2009

The Age of the Designer Baby Arrives

The logic of the genetics revolution leads inevitably to the concept of the designer baby.  New technologies bring new possibilities and hard choices, and the new genetic technologies bring genuinely frightening new possibilities.  Now, even designer ...

February 17, 2009

Christianity and Evolution — Seeing the Problem

This month marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth, but the debates over science and religion have only intensified over the last two centuries.  In particular, evolutionary theory poses a direct challenge to the Christian faith -- if t ...

February 16, 2009

Pornography, Public Culture, and the New Administration

In contemporary America, pornography is both a public reality and big business.  Ambient pornography -- sexually explicit advertising, entertainment, and merchandising -- is all around us.  But pornography is also big business, producing sexually exp ...

February 13, 2009

Charles Darwin and the Modern Mind

Today marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of both Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln.  Both men shaped history, but it is Charles Darwin who presents us with the most significant intellectual challenge. The Darwinist account of the cosmos and th ...

February 12, 2009

Can Faith-Based Programs Keep the Faith?

The Obama administration has announced its own authorization of what have been known as "faith-based" funding programs, and in so doing it dodged -- at least for now -- the most controversial question related to this funding.  Can faith-based organiz ...

February 11, 2009

Interview with Hugh Hewitt: The Future of Evangelicalism

I was pleased to talk to my Salem Radio colleague Hugh Hewitt on his radio program on February 2, 2009.  Hugh is a great conversationalist and interviewer, whose radio show is always truly interesting.  He is an attorney, law professor, commentator, ...

February 9, 2009

Facebook marked its fifth anniversary on February 5, setting a milestone for social networking as a cultural phenomenon.  Just five years ago Harvard undergraduate Mark Zuckerberg launched the site and service.  Just as Facebook celebrated its fifth ...

February 6, 2009