President Biden’s unpardonable pardon

President Biden’s unpardonable pardon: We must love our children both rightly and righteously “Today, I signed a pardon for my son Hunter.” Those w...

January 4, 2025

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The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: The End that is a Beginning

The reversal of the curse of sin originates in God’s love and his sovereign determination to save sinners, and it is grounded in the cross and resurrection of Christ. The atonement of Jesus Christ accomplishes our salvation from sin. Nevertheless, th ...

January 12, 2011

The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: Redemption Accomplished

The third great movement in the Christian metanarrative begins with the affirmation that God’s purpose from the beginning was to redeem a people through the blood of his Son –- and that he does this in order to show the excellence of his name through ...

January 10, 2011

The Christian Worldview as Master Narrative: Sin and its Consequences

Our experience of the world requires us to perceive that things are not as they should be. We do not experience the world of unblemished blessedness that is revealed in the first two chapters of the book of Genesis. To the contrary, we experience a w ...

January 7, 2011

For the Sake of the Kingdom: Redefining Retirement

The concept of retirement is rather recent in origins. Most historians trace the concept back to Germany's "Iron Chancellor," Otto von Bismarck, who pushed through a series of social changes in the late 19th century. Among those changes was a system ...

January 6, 2011

The Deadly Logic of Anti-Blasphemy Laws

Blasphemy is a serious matter. Jesus himself underlined the importance with the statement: "And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." [Luke 12:10] I ...

January 5, 2011

No Buzzing Little Fly — Why the Creation-Evolution Debate is So Important

The folks at BioLogos ended the year 2010 by declaring "The Dawning of a New Day." Darrel Falk, president of The BioLogos Foundation, wrote with both passion and anticipation as he reviewed the past year and the impact of BioLogos on the evangelic ...

January 5, 2011

Martyrs in a Modern World

Christians -- especially those enjoying the safety of the West -- often think of martyrdom as a part of the distant Christian past. But a recent barrage of headlines dispels that notion in a hurry. Over the past several weeks, Christians in Iraq suff ...

January 4, 2011

How Not to Fight Atheism

There is nothing so short-sighted and unhelpful as Christian insecurity -- and this kind of insecurity recently led to predictable results in Fort Worth, Texas. In early December, the Dallas-Fort Worth Coalition of Reason -- a group dedicated to rais ...

January 3, 2011

Where Did I Come From? – It’s No Longer a Simple Question

At some point, anticipated and even feared by some parents, every child asks the inevitable question: "Where did I come from?" That question is endemic to humanity. The question of our own biological origins is eventually inescapable. Our existence r ...

January 3, 2011

Must We Believe the Virgin Birth?

In one of his columns for The New York Times, Nicholas Kristof once pointed to belief in the Virgin Birth as evidence that conservative Christians are “less intellectual.” Are we saddled with an untenable doctrine? Is belief in the Virgin Birth re ...

December 22, 2010